Sample Indexes

Poetry, Print, and Postcolonial Literature by Nathan Suhr-Sytsma

àbíkú (wandering spirit), 344.50

Achebe, Chinua, 21.40; African Writers Series and, 222.10n59; Americanization and, 350.130; Chike and the River, 220.80; Citadel Press venture and, 233.10n82; civil war realignments and, 222.11n60; free verse and, 249.130; Igbo-Christian crossroads and, 342.10n29; Killam-Hill visit to, 341.50; “Mango Seedling,” 246.61; A Man of the People, 228.110; mbari ceremony and, 110.80; modernity and, 218.80; nationality and, 211.50; “The Novelist as Teacher,” 144.60; Okigbo collaboration with, 241.50; Okigbo compared to, 210.60; Okigbo’s death and, 243.30; “Publishing in Africa,” 215.170; relation to “Ivbie” (Clark), 80.220; sharing Commonwealth Poetry Prize and, 243.10n112; “The Toad” and, 336.180; UCI and, 72.140; United States and, 249.10; university system and, 61.140; Yeats and, 11.80

Achievement of Seamus Heaney (Foster), 278.10n16

Acholonu, Catherine, 344.10n34

Acoli language, 25.220

“A Conference Has Been Called” (McGough), 150.180

A Dance of the Forests (Soyinka), 107.180

Ademola, Frances, 105.180, 114.160

“A Disused Shed in Co. Wexford” (Mahon), 286.70, 342.90; lyric address and, 308.141, 313.230, 320.130

“A Dog Was Crying Tonight in Wicklow Also” (Heaney), 332.40; Heaney-Nwoga relation and, 350.180; “The Toad” and, 335.70

Adorno, Theodor, 9.11n8

Aeneid (Virgil), 9.70, 236.80; Palinurus and, 218.10n47, 222.140

aesthetic autonomy, 26.160, 33.140; internationalism and, 107.240; provincialism and, 37.70

aesthetic subjectivity, 9.11n8

Africa, 16.40; Atlantic slave trade and, 196.200; discursive possession and, 343.40; media’s perception in, 25.10; poetry’s circulation and, 23.140; unique hybrid forms of colonialism in, 269.10n35

“Africa and Her Writers” (Achebe), 218.140

Africa in Stereo (Jaji), 24.140

African art, 80.70

“African Bonfire” (Simmons). See “Bonfire”

African diaspora, 24.101

African Forum (journal), 113.160

African language poetry, 160.20

African literature, 11.90; anglophone legitimacy and, 42.240; capitalism and, 11.11n12; CCF event in Berlin and, 145.11n50; coevalness and, 15.30; Ibadan syllabus and, 214.10; London Magazine and, 205.10; mbari ceremony and, 110.80; Mbari Publications and, 106.160; modernity and, 216.30; print culture and, 216.220; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 170.11. See also Nigeria; Okigbo

African Songs of Love, War, Grief and Abuse (Damas), 111.40

African Writers Series (Heinemann), 335.220; conflicting assessments of, 222.10n59; Ekwensi and, 231.11n79; Heaney-Nwoga relation and, 350.180; Labyrinths and, 226.110, 245.80; Mbari and, 116.51

Afro-modernism, 9.10, 85.110. See also Ibadan modernism

“After Rupert Brooke” (Simmons), 265.90

Agnew, Sydney, 311.170

A Group Anthology (Lucie-Smith and Hobsbaum, eds.), 93.110; Heaney and, 96.30

Aguiyi-Ironsi, Johnson, 229.180, 234.12

Ahmadu Bello University, 340.200; Simmons at, 262.180

Aidoo, Ama Ata, 61.140

Aig-Imoukhuede, Mabel, 206.10n2

Aikin Mata (Harrison and Simmons, translation of Lysistrata), 263.160

Akan drum dirges, 224.230

Aké (Soyinka), 61.10

Akintola, S. L., 220.200; “Come Thunder” and, 232.50, 233.100

Ala (earth goddess), 110.10n14, 247.110; mbari ceremony and, 110.100

allochronism, 63.240

Amadioha (sky god), 110.10n14, 247.110

A Man of the People (Achebe), 228.110, 237.80

“A Meeting” (Lerner), 91.150

Americanization, 139.10n26, 350.90

American literature, 134.220; counterculture and, 150.160; Ravenscroft and, 144.10n44. See also United States

American Society of African Culture (AMSAC), 20.150, 113.210

Amoko, A. O., 146.10

“Among School Children” (Yeats), 11.10

Amores (Ovid), 347.90

“An Advancement of Learning” (Heaney), 92.30

Anderson, Benedict, 30.240; Imagined Communities, 211.90; multilingual African contexts and, 207.11n7

Andrew Dakers, 231.11n79

An Exploded View (Longley), 306.190, 308.50, 311.160; Maclean’s review of, 313.200; “Troubles” and, 302.10n75

Anglo-American canons, 22.130

Anglo-formalism, 9.20

anglophone literary world, 36.91; discourse networks and, 40.10n96; literary Greenwich meridian and, 64.40, 71.110; literary present and, 97.211; Mbari publications and, 108.30; new media and, 351.10; Nigeria and, 63.10n15; postcolonialism and, 42.100; publics and, 37.190; sociology of texts and, 32.240; spatial circulation and, 31.60. See also Commonwealth literature

Ani (earth goddess), 162.190

Anikulapo-Kuti, Fela, 109.80

Anomalous States (Lloyd), 332.11n3

Another Life (Walcott), 186.170

Anozie, Sunday, 20.10n37, 214.90, 245.60, 252.20

anthologization, 133.190; schools of poetry and, 60.50

Anthology of Commonwealth Verse (O’Donnell, ed.), 132.190

Anthropology of Texts, Persons and Publics (Barber): multilingual African contexts and, 207.11n7

anti-essentialism, 279.160

Antilles, 40.240; “A Sea Chantey” and, 193.140

apartheid, 106.80; literary political pressure and, 277.10n13. See also South Africa

apostrophe, 235.180, 320.171

Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 231.170

Ara vos Prec (Eliot), 81.10n76

Archives of Authority (Rubin), 120.50

Aristophanes, 263.160

Arnold, Matthew, 78.20; Hardy and, 66.13n24; national cultures and, 138.150, 146.50; provincialism and, 65.200, 94.60; strict disinterestedness and, 66.11n23

Arrivants trilogy (Brathwaite), 29.60, 202.10

Arts Council, 197.120; political commitment and, 286.190

“A Sea-Chantey” (Walcott), 193.140; Williams review of, 199.60

A Shuttle in the Crypt (Soyinka), 249.60

Atatürk, Kemal, 221.160

Atlantic slave trade, 196.200

“A Tractor” (Heaney), 92.210

Attlee, Clement, 156.210

Auden, W. H., 290.20; Longley compared to, 302.200

Australia, 193.180; colonialism and, 159.80; folk tradition in, 152.210

Australian Humanities Research Council, 144.20

Australian National University, 149.30

authenticity, 118.21; bolekaja critics and, 109.10; national cultures and, 139.40

“Autumn” (Thomson), 68.160

Awake! And Other Poems (Rodgers), 86.40

A Walk in the Night (La Guma), 111.11n16

Awolowo, Obafemi, 220.200; civil war realignments and, 222.11n60; January Boys and, 228.220; “Lament of the Drums” and, 218.11n49; neocolonialism and, 226.220; Palinurus and, 223.10, 225.120; Path of Thunder and, 231.140; Virgil and, 221.10n55

Awolowo, Segun, 223.10; Palinurus and, 225.120; Virgil and, 221.10n55

Awoonoor, Kofi, 225.20; university system and, 61.140; welfare state and, 58.11

Azikiwe, Nnamdi, 211.120; pan-African networks and, 207.11n7

Azuonye, Chukwuma, 163.190, 212.180

Babylonians, 345.120; wheels symbols and, 345.10n35

Bahri, Deepika, 274.70; lyricization and, 297.10

“Ballad of John MacFarlane” (Baxter), 158.120

Ballad of Remembrance (Hayden), 20.10n37

Banham, Martin, 65.70, 72.151; Nigerian Student Verse, 77.30

Barbados, 191.140; Brathwaite’s representation of, 40.240, 201.130

Barber, Karin, 8.190; multilingual African contexts and, 207.11n7

Baudelaire, Charles, 188.200, 193.60

Baxter, James K., 149.60, 158.120; London Magazine and, 188.50, 200.40, 204.210

BBC, 33.80; Caribbean Voices program, 191.150; Heaney and, 319.100; Irish Troubles and, 297.91; Leeds Conference and, 144.20; Listener and, 289.20; political commitment and, 286.190; political journalism and, 280.160; “Some Commonwealth Poets,” 159.40

Beat poetry, 21.70; Cardiff conference and, 150.160

Beier, Ulli, 21.120; authentic sunjectivity and, 118.160; Black Orpheus and, 83.60, 111.14; CCF and, 119.50; Mbari Club and, 105.150; Mbari imprint and, 111.50; metropolitan publishers and, 117.70; modernity and, 216.110; Modern Poetry from Africa, 85.120; Okigbo and, 209.80; Okigbo’s death and, 242.180; The Origin of Life and Death, 335.220, 337.70; Path of Thunder and, 230.50

Belcher, Wendy, 343.40

Belfast, Ireland, 85.170; Nwoga’s family and, 334.200

Belfast, Northern Ireland, 19.190, 39.230; literary present and, 97.100; Northern Ireland literary renaissance and, 57.130; provincialism and, 58.130, 71.190. See also Heaney; Northern Ireland; Queen’s University Belfast

Belfast Festival (Queen’s University Festival), 44.70

“Belfast for Beginners” (Parker), 87.90

Belfast Group, 93.100; gender and, 43.220; university affiliations of, 93.10n108; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 171.50

Belfast Telegraph (newspaper), 91.220

Belgium, 123.150

Bello, Ahmadu, 268.150

Bennett, Louise, 43.130; Americanization and, 350.130; Cardiff conference and, 156.100; “Colonization in Reverse,” 136.140; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 140.190; metropolitanism and, 176.170

Benson, Peter, 121.10n49, 243.11

Bery, Ashok, 194.200

Best, Curwen, 236.180

Betjeman, John, 157.100, 265.90

Beware, Soul Brother, and Other Poems (Achebe), 248.80

Beyond a Boundary (James), 33.150

Bhabha, Homi, 15.140, 39.120; Englishness and, 29.170

Bhêly-Quénum, Olympe, 225.210

Biafra, 40.30; Canaan and, 339.150; “Come Thunder” and, 233.30; declaration of Republic of, 341.160; national belonging and, 270.10n38; Nigeria reclaiming Okigbo from, 209.120; Okigbo’s aestheticism and, 212.140; Path of Thunder’s print history and, 227.120, 234.30; publishing and, 245.180; Walcott on, 342.121. See also “Ezekiel’s Wheel”

Biafran war, 205.130, 263.210; Achebe-Okigbo collaboration and, 241.50; Nwoga and, 335.160; Okigbo’s turn to poetry and, 245.210; Path of Thunder’s print history and, 227.120; praise poetry and, 347.100; Simmons and, 261.190, 272.130

“Biafra Revisited” (O’Brien), 246.70

Bible, 349.150

biblical prophecy, 346.210

bibliographic codes, 36.30, 155.40

“big man” tradition, 206.10n2

Birds (Wright), 195.20

Birney, Earle, 158.140

black Atlantic, 24.240

Black Atlantic, The (Gilroy), 236.110

Black Mind, The: A History of African Literature (Dathorne), 170.210

black mystique, 214.210

Black Orpheus, Transition, and Modern Cultural Awakening in Africa (Benson), 121.10n49

Black Orpheus (journal), 34.130, 62.60; Beier and, 111.14; CCF and, 120.90, 251.230; CIA and, 108.71; “Elegy for Alto” and, 234.110; Ibadan modernism and, 85.11, 106.210; Labyrinths and, 245.200; “Lament of the Drums” and, 225.11; Mbari’s symbiotic relationship with, 113.220; Okigbo and, 209.70; Okigbo’s death and, 244.130; Palinurus revisions and, 221.11n57; Path of Thunder and, 227.190; Rea as publisher of, 115.210

Black Panthers, 293.10n56

Black Power, 150.150

Blackstaff Press, 44.90

Blake, William, 77.110

Bland, Peter, 200.40

Bloody Sunday, 172.40, 335.50; Heaney and, 299.140

bog body poems (Heaney), 301.210, 318.140

“Bogland” (Heaney), 318.200

“Bog Oak” (Heaney), 318.200

Bog People, The (Glob), 309.180, 320.210, 322.50

“Bog Queen” (Heaney), 308.142

Bogside, Battle of, 267.170, 291.70, 292.210, 297.90, 320.10

Boland, Eavan, 43.190

bolekaja critics, 73.110, 244.10; “Captives of Empire” and, 212.70; cultural authenticity and, 109.10; Euromodernism and, 74.170; Ogundele on, 209.10n13; Okigbo and, 81.200

Bomb Culture (Nuttall), 148.10n59

“Bonfire, The” (Simmons), 272.230, 274.220; “African Bonfire” version of, 267.10n30

Booker Prize, 71.131

Bornstein, George, 280.11n23

Boston University, 332.80

Bourdieu, Pierre, 13.20; Casanova and, 27.150; cultural capital and, 18.10n30; disinterestedness and, 293.200; field concept of, 36.10n86, 36.91, 41.10n98; literary political pressure and, 277.10n13; literary temporality and, 63.10n15; lyric and, 326.10; restricted production and, 115.60, 280.71; sociology of literature and, 27.160

Bowen, Elizabeth, 187.190

Brathwaite, Kamau, 40.240; Americanization and, 350.130; Arrivants trilogy, 29.60; Bennett and, 154.220; Caribbean Artists Movement and, 203.200; Leavis and, 66.11n23; London Magazine and, 188.30; university system and, 61.140; Walcott and, 200.140; Walcott binary with, 197.10n44

Brearton, Fran, 85.10n88

Breiner, Laurence, 70.180

Britain, 16.40; Commonwealth status and, 134.220; devolution of, 16.41; Heaney and, 88.130; immigration and, 177.160; imperialism and, 224.180; Jamaica and, 136.130; media’s perception in, 24.230; patronage by, 286.190; progressive education in, 60.10n9; provincial poetry from, 22.230; representations of officers from, 110.10n14; size of print runs in, 114.10n29; welfare state in, 58.150; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 168.50. See also Commonwealth; London literary establishment; Troubles

British Council, 145.70; fellowships from, 143.130; JCL and, 147.220; Leeds Conference and, 144.20

Britishness, 19.70; Commonwealth poetry and, 133.200; Commonwealth students and, 59.240; national cultures and, 138.100. See also Englishness

British Parliament, 287.140

Brooke, Rupert, 265.90

Brown, Lalage, 105.180

Brown, Nicholas, 11.11n12

Brown, Terence, 274.10n1, 309.10n91

Brutus, Dennis, 141.30

Bulson, Eric, 65.150

Bunin, Ivan, 190.40

Butler Education Act (1944), 60.120

Buxton, Rachel, 332.11n3

Caesar Augustus, 224.160

Cambridge House, 221.200

Cambridge University, 34.90; Brathwaite at, 201.40; Hobsbaum and, 96.30

Cambridge University Press, 106.40; Ibadan and, 220.11; Okigbo letter of employment from, 216.10n38; Okigbo neglecting of duties for, 224.10n65

Canaan (Hill), 332.50, 340.180; anti-imperialism of, 339.80; Biafra and, 339.150; crossroads and, 343.10; overdependence upon nostalgia of, 332.11n3; Psalm 106 and, 340.10n22

capitalism, 212.10n25

Cardiff Commonwealth Poetry Conference, 131.170, 141.140; academicism and, 145.10n46; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 131.50; national cultures and, 148.140; Okigbo and, 165.90; Walcott boycott and, 173.70; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 171.90

“The Cardiff Commonwealth Arts Festival Poetry Conference 1965, Recalled,” (Murray), 153.220

Carducci, Giosuè, 349.70

Caribbean Artists Movement, 203.200

Caribbean Islands, 15.10; “A Sea Chantey” and, 193.140; Cape and, 199.100; folk tradition in, 155.20; production, circulation and reception in, 23.140; Walcott/Brathwaite representation of, 40.240. See also Walcott, Derek

Caribbean literature, 33.80; Brathwaite/Walcott binary and, 197.10n44

Caribbean Voices (BBC program), 191.150

Carson, Ciaran, 318.10n112

Casanova, Pascale, 97.100; “Irish Paradigm” and, 28.10n60; literary Greenwich meridian and, 64.50; literary present and, 31.60; national versus international and, 107.240; provincialism and, 63.20; temporality and, 30.151, 63.10n15; world literary systems and, 32.190; World Republic of Letters, 28.110

Casualties (Clark), 244.20, 344.130

Catholicism, 88.61, 297.150; discrimination against, 266.90; Guy Fawkes Day and, 272.230; Ibadan modernism and, 82.130; IRA punishments and, 323.20; Irish Troubles and, 294.190; Longley and, 303.90; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” and, 299.111

center-periphery, 29.130; literary present and, 64.70. See also periphery; provincialism

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 112.210; CCF and, 108.81, 123.210; Citadel Press and, 238.60; cultural institutions funded by, 121.10n49; Leeds Conference and, 144.12; Okigbo and, 20.241; political commitment and, 286.161; Walcott and, 204.20

Césaire, Aimé, 24.100, 83.220

“Chants Pour Naett” (Senghor), 84.80

Cheah, Pheng, 30.140

Chike and the River (Achebe), 220.80

Christianity, 342.10n29; Igbo religious practice and, 338.10n17

Christmas in Biafra and Other Poems (Achebe), 248.220

Christopher Okigbo: Poet of Destiny (Obiechina), 345.11n36

Chuku (Igbo diety). See Chukwu

Chukwu (Igbo diety), 333.180, 338.60; Christianization of Igbo religious practice and, 338.10n17

circulation, 16.160, 22.170; anglophone literary world and, 40.140; cultural institutions and, 35.240; culture of origin and, 29.230; Heaney-Nwoga relation and, 333.110, 350.180; late-colonial publishing scramble and, 336.210; Lerner and, 91.10; literary Greenwich meridian and, 71.131; literary present and, 64.70; Longley and, 306.30; new media and, 351.10; punctuality of, 280.12n24; spatial forms of, 31.100. See also Commonwealth; print culture; publishing

Citadel Press, 233.10n82, 237.160; transnational publics for, 247.200

Civil Rights movement (Northern Ireland), 60.190, 266.90

Civil Rights movement (United States), 272.190

Clark, Heather, 93.10n108

Clark, J. P., 111.12n16; “Abiku,” 344.110; Americanization and, 350.130; authenticity of Mbari Club and, 118.21; Black Orpheus and, 209.100; Cardiff conference and, 151.180; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 131.110; “The Death of Okrika,” 161.20; Eliot and, 82.120; The Horn and, 82.10n78; Ibadan modernism and, 75.190; “Ivbie,” 78.140; Labyrinths and, 245.10; London Magazine and, 205.130; London publishers and, 115.120, 117.50; London syllabus and, 74.120; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 105.150; Mbari Publications and, 106.80; modernity and, 216.160; Modern Poetry from Africa and, 85.61; Okigbo’s death and, 242.180; Poems, 112.120; Saro-Wiwa and, 238.10n98; UCI and, 72.151; “Weaverbird, The,” 344.130; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 166.90, 168.171

classical literature, 10.60; “Four Canzones” influenced by, 84.190; imperialism and, 236.70; Odi Barbare and, 347.200

Cleary, Joe, 274.12; colonialism’s unique hybrid forms and, 269.10n35

Cleverdon, Douglas, 156.170; African language poetry and, 160.70; editing “Idanre” and, 158.10; Okigbo and, 162.90; Walcott boycott and, 173.70

Clifford, James, 333.10n4

coevalness, 11.210; African literature and, 15.30; new media and, 351.10

Cold War, 16.120, 18.80; CCF and, 119.190; Commonwealth and, 141.180; print Atlantic and, 23.140; Soyinka on, 121.220. See also Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 78.170

Collings, Rex, 115.170, 268.180

Collini, Stefan, 38.50

Collins, Lucy, 317.90

collocation, 82.160

colonialism, 13.61; Australian poetry and, 159.80; Commonwealth literature and, 143.60; “darkest Africa” and, 263.230, 264.190; Heaney-Nwoga relation and, 350.180; Ireland’s unique hybrid forms of, 269.10n35; liberation struggles and, 273.190; linguicism and, 41.200; mapmakers’ geopolitical self-perceptions and, 150.10n63; Northern Ireland and, 274.50; print culture’s cultural meaning and, 207.10n5; publishing and, 336.210; transnational imperial networks and, 207.11n7; Transition and, 226.220; welfare states and, 57.150. See also Commonwealth; decolonization; postcolonialism

“Colonization in Reverse” (Bennett), 136.140

Columbus, Christopher, 202.50

Coming of Age (Newmann), 44.90

common culture, 148.140. See also Commonwealth literature

Commonwealth Arts Festival (1965), 122.30; Bennett and, 155.70; Commonwealth poetry and, 131.30; Hunter’s preparations for, 128.10n1; JCL and, 148.70; London Magazine and, 200.200; national cultures and, 141.170; Okigbo and, 165.70; Poems from Africa program and, 161.160; transnationalism and, 351.170; Walcott and, 203.90; Walcott boycott and, 177.160; West Indies and, 186.120; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 168.190, 171.60

Commonwealth Foundation, 142.40

Commonwealth Immigrants Act (1962), 173.170

Commonwealth Journal, 138.100

Commonwealth literature, 143.140; Americanization and, 139.10n26; Cardiff conference and, 148.140; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 131.30; Dickinson and, 158.11; inclusion/exclusion dynamics and, 35.70; Leeds Conference and, 148.210; London Magazine and, 188.150, 200.200; national cultures and, 141.170; “Verse and Voice” festival and, 157.130, 165.10; Walcott and, 177.160, 202.170, 203.90; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 166.30

Commonwealth Literature: Unity and Diversity in a Common Culture (Leeds Conference proceedings), 137.20, 147.140

Commonwealth of Letters (Kalliney), 33.100

Commonwealth of Nations, 15.120, 143.140, 350.90; academic itineraries in, 340.11n24; decolonization and, 16.40, 19.150; gender and, 43.160; Lerner and, 91.10; literary networks of, 40.241; literary production and, 341.80; Nwoga and, 336.190; Okigbo and, 12.80; print Atlantic and, 23.140; Queen’s University Belfast and, 59.10

Commonwealth Poems of Today (anthology), 132.90

Commonwealth Poetry Prize, 248.160; Achebe’s sharing of, 243.10n112

Commonwealth Poetry Today festival, 131.180

Commonwealth Relations Office, 144.20, 145.70; JCL and, 147.120

Commonwealth Secretariat, 142.40

communalism, 231.170

Communism, 20.20

Conference on Commonwealth Literature (Leeds Conference), 141.140; Commowealth literature and, 148.210; Hill-Killam relationship and, 340.11n24; Killman meeting Achebe at, 341.51; Nwoga at, 334.140; poltical motivations and, 141.10n33; “Verse and Voice” festival and, 156.160

Congo, Democratic Republic of, 123.150

Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), 20.20, 112.210; Berlin and, 145.11n50; CIA funding of, 108.81; CIA funding scandal and, 121.10n49; Leeds Conference and, 144.12; Mbari and, 123.210; Okigbo and, 251.230; Rencontre Internationale de Poètes and, 149.120; Walcott and, 203.220

Conor Cruise O’Brien Introduces Ireland (O’Brien), 294.130

Conrad, Joseph, 75.100

Contemporary American Poetry (Hall, ed.), 44.30

Cooper, Frederick, 14.80

Corcoran, Neil, 280.10n22

Coughlan, Patricia, 323.120

counterculture, 150.160

County Derry, Northern Ireland, 291.80, 292.170; Soyinka lecture in, 275.70. See also Bogside, Battle of

“Craig’s Dragoons” (Heaney), 281.170, 295.60; Rooney poems compared and, 277.11n15

Crawford, Robert, 23.220; dialogic process and, 97.210

Critical Perspectives on Christopher Okigbo (Nwoga), 335.71

crossroads metaphor, 342.10n29, 342.160

“Cuchulain Comforted” (Yeats), 10.10

Culler, Jonathan, 39.50; apostrophe and, 235.180; lyric as longstanding genre and, 280.13n25; lyric poems and, 9.11n8; Okigbo and, 164.110; temporality and, 30.220; triangulated address and, 322.210

cultural authority, 38.41, 287.100

cultural capital, 18.30; Bourdieu and, 18.10n30, 38.40; cultural prizes and, 37.10n90; production, circulation and reception of poetry as, 22.170

Cultural Events in Africa, 114.60

cultural field concept, 36.91; restricted production and, 280.71. See also Bourdieu

cultural institutions, 35.240; anglophone literary world and, 40.140; Biafra war and, 252.150; Brathwaite and, 201.190

cultural prizes, 37.10n90

Cure at Troy, The (Heaney), 165.150

Curnow, Allen, 154.10n76

Czechoslovakia, 267.20

Daily Telegraph, 322.50

Dakar Literary Festival, 20.10n37

Damas, Léon-Gontran, 83.220, 111.40

Damrosch, David, 29.230; temporality and, 30.151

Dance of Death, The: NIgerian History and Christopher Okigbo’s Poetry (Okafor), 345.11n36

“Dance of the Painted Maidens” (Okigbo), 161.180

Dane, Joseph, 32.10n74

Dante Alighieri, 9.120, 78.30

Darwhadker, Vinay, 202.170

Dathorne, O. R., 168.170, 170.11

Davis, Caroline, 32.11n77

Dawe, Gerald, 280.10n22

“Day the First Snow Fell, The” (Brathwaite), 201.40

Deane, Seamus, 91.51; Hufstader and, 280.10n22

Death of a Naturalist (Heaney), 88.10, 336.20; Heaney’s development and, 92.41; violence in, 292.100

“Death of Okrika, The” (Clark), 161.20

“Debtor’s Lane” (Okigbo), 81.80, 84.110

decolonization, 16.40; Americanization and, 350.110; Britishness and, 59.240; diachronic comparison and, 15.42; writer’s vocations and, 282.10n26. See also postcolonialism

democratic socialism, 286.10n37

Derrida, Jacques, 27.70

Des Imagistes (anthology), 60.50

developmental historicism, 30.130

diachronic comparison, 11.140, 15.41; literary transhistory and, 11.11n12

dialect, 201.20

diasporas, 24.150

Diaz, Bartholomew, 80.10

Dickinson, Emily: New Critics and, 280.13n25

Dickinson, Patric: Verse and Voice anthology, 158.11

Dickinson’s Misery: A Theory of Lyric Reading (Jackson), 280.13n25

“Digging” (Heaney), 88.60, 95.80; authentic voice and, 90.50; Miller and, 290.60; Monteith and, 96.120; New Statesman and, 302.130; paternal line emphasized in, 87.10n91

Dike, Kenneth, 73.10n48

Dingome, Jeanne, 108.140

discrepant cosmopolitanism, 187.50, 187.70, 189.70

discursive possession, 343.40; praise poetry and, 347.100

Dobrée, Bonamy, 67.180, 68.11n33

“Dogstar” (Walcott), 202.150, 204.210

Dolmen Press, 95.51

Domestic Interior, and Other Poems (Lerner), 91.100

Donne, John, 302.200

Drawings (Okeke), 111.13n16

Drummond, Gavin, 307.170

Duerden, Dennis, 114.31, 116.50, 160.150; Poems from Africa program and, 161.160

Dynamic Party (Nigeria), 221.140

“Early Enochs” (Okeke), 169.50

Easmon, R. Sarif, 120.170

Echeruo, Michael, 79.120; “Talk, Patter, and Song,” 168.220

Education Act (England), 60.10n9

egwu nwa (Igbo dance/song celebrating new birth), 163.200

Egypt, 16.150

Ekwensi, Cyprian, 214.10, 236.160; first publishers and, 231.11n79

“Elegy for Alto” (Okigbo), 227.210, 234.50

“Elegy for Slit-Drum” (Okigbo), 233.190

“Elementary, My Dear Watson” (Jeffares), 145.40

Eliot, T. S., 11.110; on Blake, 78.10; colonial intellectuals and, 33.120; Commonwealth students and, 59.131; “crickets, classics and creative writing” influence of, 81.10n76; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70; “Four Canzones” and, 112.80; internationalism and, 189.220; “Ivbie” and, 80.230; jazz and, 236.80; Miller and, 290.80; Okigbo and, 82.100; Okigbo translations of, 84.40; provincialism as pejorative and, 66.30; strict disinterestedness and, 66.11n23; Walcott and, 188.200; Waste Land and, 226.80; “What the Thunder Said” and, 230.140

Elizabeth II, 172.80

Elliot Commission (1943-45), 61.50

eloquence, 309.220

“Emigrants, The” (Brathwaite), 202.40

Encounter (magazine), 114.150, 120.200; CIA funding scandal and, 121.10n49; London Magazine and, 190.160

“Englands of the Mind” (Henaey), 19.80

English, James, 26.41, 37.10n90

English language, 19.60; African language poetry and, 160.20; Commonwealth poetry and, 133.200; Ibadan modernism and, 77.50; legitimacy and, 42.90; London literary world and, 20.210; oríkì in, 8.90; poetry’s primacy and, 58.40; prosody of, 81.50; provincialism and, 23.20, 62.50; “School of Eloquence” and, 67.30; upper-class biases in, 66.80. See also anglophone literary world

Englishness, 29.170; Belfast writers and, 86.200; Commonwealth students and, 59.240; provincial universities and, 34.90. See also Britishness

Englsh meditative verse, 77.10n62

Enright, D. J., 69.180

Enugu, Nigeria, 169.40, 341.140

Epitaph for the Young (Walcott), 191.130

Esty, Jed, 19.40, 30.110; national cultures and, 138.150; temporality and, 30.170

Èṣù (god of fate), 218.150

Eureka Street (Wilson), 289.11n45

Euro-American cultural imperialism, 109.220

Eurocentrism, 42.241; Achebe and, 218.180; Ibadan modernism and, 77.11; literary Greenwich meridian and, 64.40; modernism and, 14.50; Walcott and, 200.201

Euro-modernism, 11.90; Black Orpheus and, 85.11; bolekaja critics and, 74.170; capitalism and, 11.11n12; exoticism and, 82.230; national cultures and, 138.30; Okigbo and, 212.210; Walcott and, 188.200

Europe, 10.200; discursive possession and, 343.40; Hill’s biblical landscape and, 339.160; print Atlantic and, 24.121

Eurydice, 163.170

exile, 107.240

“Explosion” (Longley), 303.40

Ezekiel, Book of, 346.100

“Ezekiel’s Wheel” (Hill), 347.100; Okigbo and, 332.180, 345.50

Faber and Faber (publisher), 20.230, 23.100; Heaney and, 96.100; Labyrinths and, 226.110; Mbari authors published by, 115.120; provincialism and, 287.10n41; The Spirit Level and, 332.50; Walcott and, 198.90; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” and, 299.20; world literary space and, 28.30

Fabian, Johannes, 11.200, 63.240

Faerie Queene, The (Spenser), 71.20

Fagunwa, D. O., 118.21, 214.10

Fainlight, Harry, 151.170

Fajuyi, F. A., 346.110

Falci, Eric, 283.170; Haughton and, 312.10n95; socioliterary practice and, 280.10n22

Fama (Rumor), 9.150

Fanon, Frantz, 228.210

Farfield Foundation, 108.110, 119.230; Citadel Press and, 238.60; Walcott and, 204.20

Farrell, J. G., 315.20

fascism, 10.110. See also nationalism

Federal Executive Council (Nigeria), 222.11n60

Federation of the West Indies, 17.60; Walcott boycott and, 175.230

Fennell, Desmond, 289.11n45

Fiacc, Padraic, 278.160

Field of Cultural Production, The (Bourdieu), 277.10n13

Figueroa, John, 158.180

Filipino intellectual networks, 30.240

“First Calf” (Heaney), 292.60

“First International Poetry Incarnation,” 150.170

“First Steps in Revolution” (Simmons), 266.180

“Fisher” (Heaney), 95.190

Fisher King (Waste Land), 226.80

Fleurs du Mal, Les (Baudelaire), 193.60

Foley, Michael, 268.110

folk tradition, 155.20, 202.100

“For Christopher Okigbo” (Soyinka), 250.40, 344.130

“For Derek, Seamus and Jimmy” (Longley), 307.10

formalism, 30.60; political commitment and, 286.220; Walcott and, 202.210

Foster, John Wilson, 278.10n16

“Four Canzones” (Okigbo), 84.160, 112.80

francophone poets, 24.101

Fraser, Robert, 75.180

Frats Quintet, 155.90

Frobenius, Leo, 75.100

Fuller, Roy, 191.160

Furniss, Graham, 63.10n15

Gandhi, Neela, 27.90

García Lorca, Federico, 190.40, 251.180

Garuba, Harry, 79.60, 206.10n2

gender, 43.30

George, Olakunle, 219.40

George VI, 141.210

Georgian Poetry (anthology), 60.50

“Gerontion” (Eliot), 81.110

Ghana, 16.180

Ghose, Manmohan, 26.110

Gikandi, Simon, 75.110

Gikuyu language, 42.160

Gilroy, Paul, 24.240, 236.110

Ginsberg, Allen, 78.50, 150.190; Listener and, 289.20

Gitelman, Lisa, 18.11n33; print culture and, 207.10n5

Glasgow, Ireland, 131.50

Glob, P. V., 309.180, 320.210

Gordimer, Nadine, 21.40, 225.190

Gorgon (magazine), 89.151, 334.90; Lerner in, 91.140

Government College, Umahuahia, 81.10n76

Gowon, Yakuba, 222.11n60

“Graffiti” (Longley), 302.140

graphology, 213.50; Okigbo and, 347.140

“Grauballe Man, The” (Heaney), 308.142, 318.220; third-person and, 321.180

Graves, Robert, 226.90

Greek literature: imperialism and, 224.200; Okigbo and, 349.150. See also classical literature

Greeney, Graham, 281.210

Greenwich meridian of literary time, 62.210; Blake and, 78.110; London and, 71.70; Walcott and, 199.160. see also literary present

Greenwood, Emily, 221.10n55

Grigson, Geoffrey, 319.20

Group, the, 59.130, 97.40; Heaney and, 95.100; literary present and, 97.130

Grubar, Mariah, 234.10n86

Gui, Weihsin, 155.230

Guinness Poetry Award, 193.150

Gulbenkian Foundation, 149.10

Gunn, Thom, 190.40; Listener and, 289.20; long poems’ resurgence and, 202.100

Guy Fawkes Day, 272.230

Hall, Donald, 44.30

Hamilton, Ian, 28.11n62

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 296.130; Heaney’s identification with, 292.10n53

Hardy, Thomas, 66.13n24

Harlem Renaissance, 211.160

Harpe, Bill and Wendy, 148.150, 155.161

Harrison, Tony, 263.150; Hill in Nigeria according to, 341.10; Leeds Conference and, 144.50; P & A and, 68.10n30; “Them & [uz],” 66.70, 89.230; welfare state and, 57.230, 60.130

Harvard University, 332.80

Haughton, Hugh, 314.70; “On Sitting Down to Read ‘A Disused Shed in Co Wexford’ Once Again,” 309.10n91, 312.10n95

Hausa people, 263.160; Igbo people and, 270.150, 272.20; literary circles of, 63.10n15

Hawkiins, John, 80.10

Hayden, Robert, 20.10n37

Hayles, N. Katherine, 18.90

Heaney, Marie, 312.90

Heaney, Seamus, 12.130; achieved reputation of, 274.10n1; anti-sectarianism of, 289.10n45; Black Panthers and, 293.10n56; book sales of, 332.10n2; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 140.220; critical practice’s political implications and, 280.10n22; cross-cultural friendships and, 350.180; The Cure at Troy, 165.150; “Digging,” 88.60; “Englands of the Mind,” 19.80; evidence of Nwoga relationship and, 335.10n8; fame and, 37.150; Hamlet and, 292.10n53; “Hercules and Antaeus,” 297.10; Interest and, 85.10n88; journalism distinctions and, 275.10n5; Listener and, 291.50; Listener’s importance to, 284.10n31; Longley’s “To Seamus Heaney,” 302.51, 307.130; lyric and, 326.10; Maclean on, 313.231; metropolitanism and, 29.20, 176.170; Miller and, 288.160; Monteith and, 198.90; Nwoga and, 332.160; “Orange Drums, Tyrone 1966,” 288.10n44; paternal line emphasized by, 87.10n91; political journalism and, 285.100; provincialism and, 71.190, 92.40; provinciality and, 62.60; “Punishment,” 318.140; Queen’s University Belfast and, 91.50; Rooney poems compared and, 277.11n15; “Skara Brae,” 302.10n75; “Strange Fruit,” 315.10n104; use of the word ‘poetry’ and, 278.10n16; vernacular speech, 23.70; “Views” columns by, 39.30; welfare state and, 57.230, 60.130; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing,” 294.20; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 166.180, 171.10

Heaney Papers (Emory University): evidence of Nwoga relationship and, 335.10n8

Heavensgate (Okigbo), 112.120; esotericism of, 215.90; Mbari Publications and, 226.170

Hebrew Bible, 340.100

Heinemann Educational Books (HEB), 28.30; African Writers Series and, 335.220; Beware, Soul Brother: Poems and, 248.80; Heaney-Nwoga relation and, 350.180; Labyrinths and, 226.110, 245.200; Leeds Conference and, 146.130; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 106.40; Okigbo and, 220.90; Okigbo’s death and, 244.130; transnationalism and, 351.170; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 166.130

Hell, 340.100

Hendrickse, Begum, 113.110; authenticity of Mbari Club and, 118.21

“Hercules and Antaeus” (Heaney), 297.10

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, 10.61

Hibernia (magazine), 283.30; Longley and, 287.110

Higo, Aig, 220.80, 242.200

Hill, Geoffrey, 19.80; Blake and, 78.50; cross-cultural friendships and, 350.180; “Ezekiel’s Wheel,” 345.50; Heaney and, 332.40; Jeffares and, 340.11n24; Odi Barbare, 347.200; overdependence upon nostalgia of, 332.11n3; Poetry & Audience and, 68.40; Poetry’s graphological elements and, 348.10n44; praise poetry and, 347.100

Hinnom, Valley of (Gehenna), 340.60, 344.210; Psalm 106 and, 340.10n22

hipsters, 150.160

History of the Voice (Brathwaite), 201.30

Hobsbaum, Philip, 93.100, 94.100; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 171.50

“Hollow Men, The” (Eliot), 78.241; Okigbo and, 81.110

“Home of Images, The” (Okeke), 169.50

Homer, 9.110

Honest Ulsterman (magazine), 261.50; critical appraisals of, 257.10n1; Heaney and, 281.100; Rooney poems compared and, 277.11n15; Simmons’ founding of, 268.200; Simmons’ Nigerian poems in, 275.100; “To James Simmons” and, 308.10; transnationalism and, 351.170

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 15.70, 59.120, 59.130; Heaney and, 88.130, 95.230; Ibadan modernism and, 74.240

Horn, The (magazine), 62.60, 78.240; Black Orpheus and, 83.10; CCF and, 251.230; “Debtor’s Lane” and, 81.70

Howe, Stephen, 269.10n35

How the Dog Was Domesticated (Iroaganchi), 234.11n86

How the Leopard Got His Claws (Achebe), 237.160

“How the Leopard Got His Spots” (Kipling), 234.11n86

Hufstader, Jonathan, 280.10n22

Huggan, Graham, 133.10n10; postcolonial exotic and, 116.210

Hughes, Cledwyn, 175.70

Hughes, Ted, 19.80, 93.11, 94.240; Heaney and, 96.30; long poems’ resurgence and, 202.100

Hume, John, 312.190

Hunter, Ian, 131.40; Commonwealth Arts Festival preparations and, 128.10n1; Commonwealth literature and, 142.70; national cultures and, 138.41; Rhodesia and, 176.20; Walcott boycott and, 172.180

“Hurrah for Thunder” (Okigbo), 231.90

hybridity, 22.11

Hybrid Muse, The: Postcolonial Poetry in English (Ramazani), 22.90

hyper-modernism, 139.10n26

Ibadan, Nigeria, 19.180; Cambridge University Press and, 220.11; “Come Thunder” and, 232.50; “Lament of the Drums” and, 224.90; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 105.40; Simmons and, 263.90; Yorubaland and, 72.30. See also UCI

Ibadan modernism, 85.11; The Horn and, 78.240; “Ivbie” and, 78.140; literary present and, 97.130; Mbari Publications and, 106.160; Okigbo and, 85.60; provincialism and, 58.130, 71.190; university system and, 57.100; Yorùbá modernity and, 216.40

Ibadan (Soyinka), 77.160

Ibadan University Press, 106.50

Iceland, 303.170

“Icon” (Heaney), 292.60

“Idanre” (Soyinka), 162.230; Cleverdon editing and, 158.10

Idoto (Igbo water-deity), 348.61; Heavensgate and, 112.60

“Idyll” (Heaney), 292.60

Ifejika, Samuel, 248.50

Igbo people, 15.90; Christian crossroads with, 342.10n29; Christianization of religious practice and, 338.10n17; Chukwu and, 333.180; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70; Hausa people and, 270.150, 272.20; Heaney-Nwoga relation and, 350.180; Heavensgate and, 112.60; human-like cry of dogs and, 337.10n16; Idoto and, 348.61; “Lament of the Deer” and, 241.20; mass killings of, 261.190; mbari ceremony and, 110.100; Niger Delta peoples and, 238.10n98; Northern Pogroms and, 341.140; Okigbo and, 8.80; Path of Thunder and, 231.130; self-representations of, 349.150; strangers and, 80.220; “The Toad” and, 338.80

Igbo Women’s War (1929), 336.90

Ige, Bola, 221.40

Ikwerre griots, 237.210, 241.10

Ilfeajuna, Emmanuel, 221.190; January coup and, 228.90; Okigbo publishing of, 233.11n85; Okigbo’s relationship with, 229.210

Imagined Communities (Anderson), 211.90; multilingual African contexts and, 207.11n7

immigration, 177.160

“Immigration from the Commonwealth” (1965 White Paper), 174.90

imperialism, 21.240; Aeneid and, 224.180; “Captives of Empire” and, 212.70; classical allusion and, 236.70; Hill and, 339.90; Ibadan modernism and, 74.220; Roman Empire and, 220.10n52. See also colonialism; decolonization

“Imprisonment of Obatala, The” (Clark), 112.121

In a Green Night (Walcott), 20.10n37, 199.10

“In a Station of the Metro” (Pound), 153.20

Incertus (Heaney pseudonym), 89.190, 334.60

“Independence” (Bennett), 153.140

Independent on Sunday, The (newspaper), 335.110

India, 16.140, 22.110, 141.210; India-Pakistan War and, 149.70; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 169.220

indigenous culture, 42.10; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 105.150; performance and, 18.40

intellectuals, 38.41; representation by, 39.180

Interest (magazine), 90.120; Heaney poems published in, 95.50; Lerner in, 91.150; Parker’s founding of, 85.10n88

internationalism, 189.220, 203.220

Ireland, 22.230; Hybrid Muse and, 22.110; media’s perception in, 24.241; Northern Ireland and, 17.100. See also Heaney; Northern Ireland

Ireland, Republic of, 172.10

Ireland and Empire (Howe), 269.10n35

Irele, Francis Abiola, 73.130; Black Orpheus and, 209.100; Nigerian Student Verse and, 77.30; Okigbo’s death and, 242.180

Irish Literary Revival, 74.50

Irish literature, 28.90; Jeffares and, 144.10n44; linguicism against Nigerians and, 41.220. See also specific poets

“Irish Paradigm,” 28.10n60

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 320.30; Black Panthers and, 293.10n56; “Punishment” and, 323.21. See also Troubles

Irish Times (newspaper), 91.240; Longley and, 287.130

Iroaganchi, John, 238.120; How the Dog Was Domesticated, 234.11n86

Iron Age, 319.110. See also bog body poems

Israel, 339.150

Italy, 349.70

“Ivbie” (Clark), 111.110; Ibadan modernism and, 78.140

Izevabye, Dan, 222.210

Jackson, Virginia, 284.220; New Critics and, 280.13n25

Jacobites, 292.180, 300.60

Jahn, Janheinz, 83.151

Jaji, Tsitsi, 14.130, 24.140, 236.111

Jamaica, 22.110; Bennett and, 154.11; “Literary Evening, Jamaica” and, 71.130; “Poem for an Anthology of Commonwealth Verse” and, 135.170, 140.30

“Jamaica Elevate” (Bennett), 154.11

James, C. L. R., 33.150; metropolitanism and, 62.230

James I, 271.80

James II, 272.70, 300.60

Jameson, Fredric, 216.160; alternative modernities and, 212.10n25

January Boys, 228.201, 241.140

January coup (Nigeria), 228.80, 237.80

jazz, 234.70; Okigbo’s poetic language and, 231.10n78; Yoruba poetics and, 236.30

Jeffares, A. Norman, 151.40; Cardiff conference and, 156.20; Commonwealth studies and, 142.80; Hill in Nigeria and, 340.11n24; Irish literature and, 144.10n44; Leeds Conference and, 141.10n33

Jennings, Elizabeth, 190.40

Jerusalem, 340.100

“Jerusalem” (Blake), 77.180

Jerusalem Temple, 345.130; wheels symbols and, 345.10n35

Jesus Christ, 324.170

Jeyifo, Biodun, 249.60; literary generation and, 206.10n2; national-masculine norms and, 43.100; Soyinka’s pessimism and, 283.10n27

Johnson, Samuel, 343.210

Jonathan Cape (publishers), 198.120; Walcott’s marketing and, 199.100; world literary space and, 28.30

Josselson, Michael, 116.80, 118.210. See also CCF

journalism, 326.10; bog body poems and, 318.140; distinctions within, 275.10n5; Irish poetry and, 285.100; journalistic capital and, 132.160; Leavis and, 288.200; lyric address and, 312.170; Mahon and, 318.20; “Punishment” and, 324.90; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” and, 294.20

Journalism (Mahon), 275.10n5

Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 132.40, 334.150; Ravenscroft and, 346.200; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 170.60

Journal of Commonwealth Literature (JCL), 148.211

Joyce, James, 188.200

Julien, Eileen, 42.241

Kalliney, Peter, 33.100, 122.80; Leavis and, 66.11n23; London Magazine and, 188.130

Karibo, Minji, 76.30; literary generation and, 206.10n2

Kavanagh, Patrick, 95.160

Kemalism, 221.160

Kennedy-Andrews, Elmer, 257.10n1

Kennelly, Brendan, 144.50

Kilkenny Magazine, 91.240

Killam, Douglas, 341.40; international teaching career of, 340.11n24

King James Bible, 340.100

Kingston, Jamaica, 58.10n4

Kinnell, Galway, 44.30

Kipling, Rudyard, 157.100; “How the Leopard Got His Spots,” 234.11n86

Kirkland, Richard, 257.10n1; Honest Ulsterman and, 266.50; Longley’s support and, 280.10n22; Simmons’ vilification and, 261.100

Kittler, Friedrich, 40.10n96

Knight, Wilson, 67.180

Korang, Kwaku Larbi, 139.220

Kyle, Keith, 291.100, 297.20

Labyrinths (Okigbo), 342.170; Cambridge House and, 220.30; Commonwealth Poetry Prize and, 248.200; earlier versions incorporated into, 111.130; “Lament of the Silent Sisters” revised in, 123.40; London publishers and, 115.120; Path of Thunder and, 237.170; posthumous publication of, 245.200; Transition and, 222.40

Lagos, Nigeria, 72.110; arts establishment in, 107.180; Okigbo and, 82.30

La Guma, Alex, 111.11n16

Lahire, Bernard, 36.200; biographical method and, 36.10n86

“Lament of the Deer” (Okigbo), 241.20

“Lament of the Drums” (Okigbo), 218.11n49; “Elegy for Alto” and, 235.140; Path of Thunder’s print history and, 227.130; Transition and, 222.40

“Lament of the Flutes” (Okigbo), 84.221

“Lament of the Masks” (Okigbo), 347.10; colonial-turned-Commonwealth configuration and, 15.130; January Boys and, 229.40; Yeats centenary and, 11.40; oríkì for the Tìmì of Ede, and 8.130; Yoruba and, 43.230

“Lament of the Silent Sisters” (Okigbo), 123.150

Lamming, George, 21.30, 144.50

Larkin, Brian, 264.30

Larkin, Philip, 19.80, 44.30; Ibadan modernism and, 74.220; provincialism and, 69.41; Simmons and, 265.91

Latin, 9.70; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70; Okigbo and, 349.150. See also classical literature

Law and Authority in a Nigerian Tribe (Meek), 337.30

Lawrence, D. H., 266.60

Lazarus, Neil, 212.10n25

Leaving School (London Magazine), 182.10n1

“Leaving School” (Walcott), 186.130

Leavis, F. R., 279.220; journalism and, 288.200; postcolonial intellectuals and, 66.11n23; provincialism as pejorative and, 66.30

Leeds Conference. See Conference on Commonwealth Literature

Leeds school, 57.120; university affiliations of, 93.10n108. See also University of Leeds

“Legacy of Caliban, The” (Clark), 243.180

Lehmann, John, 187.150, 189.110

Leith, Maurice, 293.10n56

Lerner, Laurence, 34.50, 90.240, 94.10, 182.10n1; literary present and, 97.130; metropolitan credentials and, 65.100

Letters from Iceland (Auden and MacNeice), 303.170

Levertov, Denise, 44.50

Levine, Caroline, 33.20

Lewis, C. S., 86.140

Limits (Okigbo), 111.130, 215.180; Mbari Publications and, 226.170

Lindfors, Bernth, 64.220

linguicism, 41.170. See also anglophone literary world

Listener (magazine), 39.30; bog body poems and, 320.10; circulation of, 285.10n36; Heaney and, 291.50; Heaney’s Irishness and, 302.70; importance to Heaney of, 284.10n31; lyric address and, 318.40; Mahon and, 314.30, 317.40; metropolitanism and, 28.240; Miller and, 288.160, 325.140; publics and, 310.90; Roman Empire and, 322.51; transnationalism and, 351.170; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” in, 294.20; “Wounds” and, 308.140

“Literary Evening, Jamaica” (Morris), 71.130

literary generation, 206.10n2

“Literary Influence of the Academies, The” (Arnold), 65.200

literary present, 31.60; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70; Euro-modernism and, 84.30; London and, 97.90; metropolitanism and, 65.100; provincialism and, 62.210. See also Greenwich meridian of literary time

literary production, 22.170; anglophone literary world and, 40.140; Commonwealth and, 341.80; cultural field concept and, 36.91; new media and, 351.10; publishing and, 298.160; restricted production and, 280.71. See also print culture; publishing

literary transhistory, 11.11n12

Literature and Culture in Northern Ireland Since 1965: Moments of Danger (Kirkland), 257.10n1

“Live Burial” (Soyinka), 268.10

Liverpool, England, 21.70, 131.50; anti-academicism of, 93.10n108

Living and the Dead and Other Stories, The (Mphahlele), 111.10n16, 111.20

Livingstone, Douglas, 188.50, 200.40; London Magazine and, 204.230; Ross and, 197.160

Lloyd, David, 280.10n22; critique of Heaney and, 332.11n3

London, England, 19.230; English language poetry and, 20.210; Oxbridge nexus with, 23.50; Review and, 28.11n62

London Corresponding Society, 67.60

London literary establishment, 194.150; anglophone literary world centered around, 40.190; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 131.50, 132.80, 133.70; gender and, 43.160; Heaney and, 90.120, 93.40; Hobsbaum and, 96.30; Labyrinths and, 226.110; literary Greenwich meridian and, 64.40, 71.70; literary present and, 97.90; literary production and, 28.170; London Magazine and, 203.60; London Magazine anthology and, 204.40; lyric and, 326.10; Mbari authors published in, 115.120, 117.100; Mbari Publications and, 107.170; metropolitan cultural institutions and, 33.80, 34.170; Oxbridge nexus and, 73.180; Poetry & Audience and, 68.40; Walcott and, 175.170; West Indian writers working in, 62.230. See also metropolitanism

London Magazine, 194.150; African writers and, 205.10; anthology for, 204.40; discrepant cosmopolitanism and, 187.50; Leaving School in, 182.10n1; Londonness and, 186.40; metropolitanism and, 203.60; transnationalism and, 351.170; Walcott and, 175.170; Wright and, 43.181

London Magazine Poems (anthology), 204.40

Londonness, 186.40

London Review of Books, 314.40

Longley, Edna, 85.10n88, 273.160; Belfast Group gender politics and, 44.100; poetic detail and, 280.10n22

Longley, Michael, 86.40; achieved reputation of, 274.10n1; Americanization and, 350.130; Belfast and, 39.230; Belfast Group and, 94.101; Belfast Group gender politics and, 44.100; lyric and, 326.10; metropolitanism and, 29.20; political commitment and, 285.90; political journalism and, 278.111, 282.50; publics and, 310.90; verse letters and, 298.20, 308.30; “Wounds,” 308.140; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 171.60

Longman Publishing, 334.170; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 106.40; Okigbo and, 220.90

“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The” (Eliot), 78.230

Low, Charles, 81.10n76

Low, Gail, 21.180; Leeds Conference and, 141.10n33, 146.170; modernity and, 217.50; “Verse and Voice” festival and, 157.30; Walcott boycott and, 174.120

Lowell, Robert, 204.41

loyalists, 293.60. See also Troubles

Lucie-Smith, Edward: Bennett and, 155.110; A Group Anthology, 93.110; Hobsbaum rivalry with, 96.70; London Magazine and, 205.30; “Poem for an Anthology of Commonwealth Verse,” 135.170; “Poem for an Anthology of Commonwealth Verse” and, 140.30; Treasures of the Commonwealth Exhibition and, 133.10n10; West Indies origins of, 133.11n12

Lumumba, Patrice, 123.150

Lung, The (Farrell), 315.20

“Lyrebirds” (Wright), 196.230

lyric, 9.11n8, 280.13n25; “A Disused Shed in Co Wexford” and, 313.230; birdsong in, 338.40; journalism and, 326.10; North and, 297.10; Patey on, 278.11n18; political commitment and, 285.90; political journalism and, 285.100; publics and, 310.90; “Punishment” and, 318.140; temporality and, 30.220; verse letters and, 308.30; “Wounds” and, 308.140

Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth), 152.121

lyric present, 164.110. See also literary present

Lysistrata (Aristophanes), 263.160

MacInnes, Colin, 133.10n10

Maclean, Alasdair, 313.200

Macmillan, Harold, 16.200

MacNeice, Louis, 86.140, 86.190, 190.40; “English-mindedness” of, 85.10n88

Mahon, Derek, 29.20; achieved reputations of, 274.10n1; “A Disused Shed in Co Wexford,” 313.230, 342.90; journalism distinctions and, 275.10n5; Longley and, 307.180; Longley’s “To Derek Mahon” and, 302.50; lyric and, 326.10; Modern Poetry from Africa anthology read by, 263.10n24; political journalism and, 279.90, 282.50; private vs. public and, 313.10n100; Soyinka and, 268.210; verse letters and, 298.20; welfare state and, 60.130

Mahood, Molly, 74.40

Mallarmé, Stephen, 122.200

Malone, John, 60.10n9

“Mammoth Corridors, The” (Birney), 158.140

“Mango Seedling” (Achebe), 246.61; changing editions of, 248.100

Manning, Peter J., 67.10n24

Martin, Kenneth, 86.140

Marvell, Andrew, 307.200

Marxism, 67.170; political commitment and, 286.220; sociology of literature and, 26.150; Soyinka and, 73.190

Marzagora, Sara, 42.130

masculinity, 206.10n2

Masquerade, The (Clark), 131.110

materiality, 11.130, 14.20, 19.60; discursive possession and, 343.40; print Atlantic and, 22.70; sociology of literature and, 26.220, 32.80. See also print culture

Material Modernism (Bornstein), 280.11n23

Maxwell, Desmond, 341.90

Maxwell, William J., 137.10n23

Mazrui, Ali, 120.140, 251.120

mbari ceremony, 110.80, 247.110

Mbari Club, 234.40; Aig-Imoukhuede and, 206.10n2; CCF and, 123.210; CIA funding scandal and, 121.10n49; intelligentsia stratifications and, 206.11n3; Labyrinths and, 245.10; London Magazine and, 205.130; Okigbo and, 209.30; political commitment and, 286.161; print culture and, 218.30; size of print runs by, 114.10n29; transnationalism and, 351.170; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 168.190

Mbari Publications, 113.80; Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 105.40; authenticity and, 118.160; CCF and, 112.210, 251.230; Labyrinths and, 226.170; Modern Poetry from Africa and, 85.61

McAuley, James, 152.180; on Australian poetry, 159.80; “barbarians” and, 155.160

McDonald, Peter D., 32.11n85, 36.130, 85.10n88; poetic detail and, 280.10n22

McGough, Roger, 150.180, 156.180

McGrath, Tom, 151.91; Bennett and, 153.140

McKay, Claude, 137.10n23

McKenzie, D. F., 32.240

McWhirter, George, 243.10n112

“Medallion” (Heaney), 292.70

media, 25.190. See also print culture

Meek, C. K., 336.100

Melas, Natalie, 262.120

Mendelssohn, Felix, 169.40

metropolitanism, 28.230, 194.150; African language poetry and, 160.150; anglophone literary world and, 44.220; Anglophone literary world and, 40.230; cultural institutions and, 35.240; discrepant cosmopolitanism and, 187.50; Group movement and, 93.200; institutional arrangements and, 176.170; Kavanagh and, 95.230; literary present and, 64.70, 65.100; London Magazine and, 203.60; London Magazine anthology and, 204.40; Londonness and, 186.40; non-metropolitan writers and, 31.180; provincialism and, 71.50; West Indian writers and, 62.230. See also London; provincialism

Michael X, 151.160

“Midnight” (Heaney), 292.60

“Mid-Term Break” (Heaney), 92.30

migration, 339.60. See also immigration

Mill, John Stuart, 309.220

Miller, Karl, 96.100, 288.160; Listener and, 325.140; Listener and, 284.10n31; Mahon and, 318.50; political journalism and, 278.60; “Views” column and, 297.180; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” and, 295.10

modernism, 11.160; alternative forms of, 212.10n25; Americanization and, 139.10n26; Britishness and, 19.70; “Lament of the Masks” and, 8.40; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 105.150; Okigbo and, 209.70; print culture and, 207.10n5, 216.220; transnational turn in, 13.220; Transition and, 226.220; Yeats’s idiom and, 10.171

Modern Poems for the Commonwealth (anthology), 132.90

Modern Poetry from Africa (Moore and Beier), 21.120, 216.110; Ibadan modernism and, 85.120; Mahon’s reading of, 263.10n24; Mbari and, 117.40

Monteith, Charles, 96.100; Walcott and, 198.90

“Moods from ‘Songs without Words’” (Okara), 169.10

Moore, Brian, 86.140

Moore, Gerald, 21.120; Leeds Conference and, 144.50; modernity and, 216.110; Modern Poetry from Africa, 85.61

Moraes, Dom, 159.120

Moretti, Franco, 28.10n60

Morris, Mervyn, 71.130

Morrison, Blake, 172.50, 295.100; “Punishment” and, 324.70

Motion, Andrew, 172.50

Movement, the, 59.130, 69.40, 69.180; Ibadan modernism and, 74.220; Listener and, 290.90. See also Larkin

Mphahlele, Ezekiel, 107.240, 111.10n16; CCF and, 114.31, 121.120; JCL and, 148.30; The Living and the Dead and Other Stories, 111.20; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 105.150

multilingualism, 159.130

Murray, Les, 140.190; Anglo-Celtic archipelago and, 46.10n106; Cardiff conference and, 149.40, 156.180; “The Cardiff Commonwealth Arts Festival Poetry Conference 1965, Recalled,” 153.220; London Magazine and, 203.190; metropolitanism and, 176.170

Mythistorema (Seferis), 317.11

Naipaul, V. S., 21.30, 137.20, 197.50

Narayan, R. K., 144.50

national cultures, 141.170; Cardiff conference and, 148.140; decolonization and, 16.120; discourses of national belonging and, 270.10n38; Leeds Conference and, 148.210; transnational imperial networks and, 207.11n7; Yeats and, 10.110; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 169.170

nationalism, 107.240; Figueroa on, 158.180; Mbari generation and, 234.40; political commitment and, 286.220; Simmons and, 275.20. See also colonialism; fascism

“Navvy” (Heaney), 292.60

Ndu, Pol, 168.230

Nealon, Chris, 32.80

“Negatives” (Okigbo), 205.130

Negritude poetry, 83.210; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70; literary present and, 97.130

neo-colonialism, 240.130; Transition and, 226.220

Nerthus (fertility goddess), 319.20, 319.60

New Critics, 280.13n25

New Left: formation of, 67.150

New Left Review, 67.11n28

New Lines (anthology), 69.180

New Literary History (journal), 26.40, 26.41

Newmann, Joan, 43.220; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 171.60

New Poetry, The (anthology), 93.240

New Reasoner (journal), 67.11n28

New Statesman (magazine), 96.71; Achebe and, 144.140; circulation of, 285.10n36; Dathorne to, 170.140; democratic socialism and, 286.10n37; “Digging” published in, 95.110; Listener and, 289.70; London Magazine and, 190.160; Longley’s verse letters and, 298.50, 308.30; “Poem for an Anthology of Commonwealth Verse” in, 136.80; Walcott’s rejection by, 192.90

New Voices of the Commonwealth (anthology), 132.90

New World Modernism (Pollard), 197.10n44

New Writing (journal), 187.180

New York City, 204.41

New York Review of Books, 246.70

New York Times: CIA’s funding of cultural institutions and, 121.10n49

New Zealand, 149.60; London Magazine and, 200.40

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, 39.110; British Council fellowships and, 143.160; Gikuyu language and, 42.160; Leavis and, 66.11n23; national cultures and, 146.50

Ní Chuilleanáin, Eiléan, 43.190

Niger Delta people, 79.200

Niger Delta peoples: separate Rivers State and, 238.10n98

Nigeria, 15.10; Achebe-Okigbo collaboration and, 241.50; Beier in, 34.60; CIA-backed cultural institutions in, 20.20; CIA funding scandal and, 121.10n49; “Come Thunder” and, 233.30; decolonization and, 17.140; effigy-burning and, 267.10n30; expatriates and, 65.80; independence of, 16.210; intelligentsia stratifications in, 206.11n3; Irish literature in, 41.220; literary generation and, 206.10n2; Mbari club and, 105.40; Mbari generation and, 209.30; modernity and, 216.30; 1952-53 census of, 206.12n4; non-anglophone poetry and, 63.10n15; Okigbo’s death and, 40.30; Path of Thunder’s print history and, 227.120, 234.30; political commitment and, 287.100; print culture and, 207.10n5, 216.220; production, circulation and reception in, 23.140; publishing and, 245.180; reclaiming Okigbo for, 209.120; Simmons’ idealization of tribal society and, 267.220; Simmons in, 265.50; Simmons’ poems on, 275.100; transnational imperial networks and, 207.11n7; UCI’s standards and, 73.12n49; Verse and Voice and, 165.20; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 168.50, 168.70. See also Okigbo

“Nigeria, 1967” (Simmons), 270.130, 274.210

Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology (Zaria), 107.90

Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP), 232.50

Nigerian Student Verse (Banham, ed.), 77.30, 166.120

Nigeria (Schwartz), 267.90

Nkrumah, Kwame, 120.150

Nobel Prize, 23.100; fame and, 37.150; Heaney’s winning of, 335.180; Walcott and, 203.160

No Continuing City (Longley), 302.190

Noland, Carrie, 24.100; textual voice and, 65.10n19

non-European languages, 42.110

non-Western literary models, 22.150

Northern Ireland, 15.10; “A Disused Shed in Co Wexford” and, 313.230; California student protests compared to, 293.10n56; decolonization and, 19.120; Ireland and, 17.100; Lerner in, 34.50; Listener and, 291.50; lyric and, 326.10; national belonging and, 270.10n38; poetry’s circulation and, 23.140; political commitment and, 285.90; political journalism and, 285.100; production, circulation and reception in, 23.140; progressive education in, 60.10n9; publics and, 310.90; “Punishment” and, 318.140; Simmons in Nigeria and, 261.50; Simmons’ Nigerian poems and, 275.100; South African political landscape and, 91.60; Soyinka and, 268.50; verse letters and, 308.30; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” and, 294.20; “Wounds” and, 308.140; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 168.50, 171.10. See also Heaney

Northern Ireland Education Act (1947), 60.130

Northern Ireland literary renaissance, 57.110

Northern Irish revisionists, 280.10n22

Northern Pogroms, 341.140

Northern Voices: Poets from Ulster (Brown), 274.10n1

North (Heaney), 298.210, 299.141; drafts of, 319.230; literariness and, 301.170; lyricization and, 297.10; “Singing School” sequence and, 288.10n44; unrhymed sonnet forms in, 317.10n111

Northwestern University Press, 113.150

“Nostalgia in the Afternoon” (Heaney), 89.150

No Ties (Simmons), 261.10n14

novels, 21.30; prominence of, 17.190

Nsukka: An Anthology of Poetry Dedicated to Christopher Okigbo, 244.170

Nsukka, Nigeria, 334.110, 341.110; Okigbo and, 219.210; Okigbo’s death at, 251.200

Nuttall, Jeff, 148.10n59

Nwakanma, Obi, 20.10n37; Okigbo’s politics and, 221.120

Nwamife Publishers, 238.120, 248.50

Nwankwo, Arthur, 248.50

Nwoga, Donatus, 341.110; Christianization of Igbo religious practice and, 338.10n17; Commonwealth publishing circuits and, 91.10; cross-cultural friendships and, 350.180; evidence of Heaney relationship and, 335.10n8; Heaney and, 332.160; Leeds Conference and, 144.50

Nwoko, Demas, 112.110, 139.100

Ọbàtálá (sky father), 112.140

Obi, Chike, 221.140

Obiechina, Emmanuel, 345.11n36

O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 291.140, 294.130; “Biafra Revisited,” 246.70

Observer, 191.210

Obumselo, Ben, 8.150, 11.120, 225.10n67, 233.11n85; on Eliot, 82.90; Okigbo and, 8.11n5, 222.41

Ochiago, Terri, 81.10n76

O’Connor, Laura, 41.170

“October Thought” (“Incertus”), 89.200

Odi Barbare (Hill), 347.200; anti-imperialism of, 339.80; Poetry and, 348.10n44

O’Donnell, Margaret, 132.190

O’Donoghue, Bernard, 280.10n22

Odunke Commmunity of Artists, 244.90

Odysseus, 193.30, 349.10

Ofemun, Odia, 81.30

“Offerings (In memoriam Patrick Rooney)” (Heaney), 277.11n15

ọ̀gbánje (wandering spirit), 344.80; Okigbo as, 344.10n34

Ogbechie, Sylvester Okwunodo, 110.10n14; mbari ceremony and, 110.170

Ogundele, Wole, 118.20; bolekaja critics and, 209.10n13

Ojaide, Tanure, 81.30

Ojukwo, Chukwuemeka, 241.100, 273.20

Okafor, Dubem, 345.11n36

Okara, Gabriel, 165.100; Ibadan syllabus and, 214.10; “Moods from ‘Songs without Words,’” 169.10; Okigbo publishing of, 233.11n85

Okeke, Uche, 119.110; Drawings, 111.13n16; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 169.50; Zaria Rebels and, 107.80, 112.22

Okigbo, Christopher, 15.40; Achebe collaboration with, 241.50; authenticity of Mbari Club and, 118.21; Awolowo and, 221.10n55; Bello killing and, 268.150; Biafran war and, 275.50; bolekaja critics and, 74.170, 74.180; Cambridge House and, 221.200; Cambridge University Press duties and, 224.10n65; Cardiff conference and, 151.180; CCF and, 119.40; CIA and, 20.241; Citadel Press venture and, 233.10n82; civil war realignments and, 222.11n60; colonial-turned-Commonwealth configuration and, 15.130; “Come Thunder,” 233.30; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 140.190; “crickets, classics and creative writing” as model for, 81.10n76; critical treatements as prophet of, 345.11n36; cross-cultural friendships and, 350.180; Dakar Literary Festival and, 20.10n37; “Dance of the Painted Maidens,” 161.180; death of, 40.30, 244.130; “Debtor’s Lane,” 84.110; “Ezekiel’s Wheel” and, 332.180, 345.50; Heavensgate, 112.120; Hill’s Odi Barbare and, 347.200; Hill’s praise poetry for, 347.100; The Horn and, 82.10n78; Ibadan modernism and, 85.60; “Ivbie” and, 79.60; jazz’s musical language and, 231.10n78; Labyrinths posthumous publication and, 245.200; “Lament of the Drums,” 218.11n49; “Lament of the Masks,” 11.40; letter of employment for, 216.10n38; London Magazine and, 205.130; London publishers and, 115.120; Lumumba and, 123.150; Mbari club and, 105.150; Mbari Publications and, 106.80; metropolitanism and, 176.170; modernity and, 209.70, 216.30; Obumselo and, 8.11n5; Obumselo assessment of, 225.10n67; as ọ̀gbánje, 344.10n34; oral poetics and, 81.30; Path of Thunder’s print history and, 227.120, 234.30; Poetry magazine and, 209.11n14; political commitment and, 287.60; political consciousness of, 222.90; popularity of film and, 37.60; posthumous editions of, 245.180; print culture and, 216.220; provincialism and, 71.190; Simmons and, 265.110; Soyinka’s detention visiting, 268.10; temporality and, 30.200; Transition and, 222.40; UCI and, 72.151; university system and, 61.140; uprootedness and, 24.150; welfare state and, 58.11; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 166.60, 168.171

Oko, Akomaye, 260.10n12

Okot p’Bitek: The Song of Lawino, 25.11n52, 25.20

Okpewho, Isidore, 220.80

Olaniyan, Tejumola, 109.80; authentic subjetivity and, 117.150

Olaugun, Modupe, 213.50; graphology and, 347.140

Olódùmarè (Yoruba God), 232.80

Omeros (Walcott), 165.150

Omotoso, Kole, 227.180

O’Neill, Terence, 301.20

Onibonoje Press & Book Industries Ltd, 106.50

Onitsha, Nigeria, 334.20

“On Sitting Down to Read ‘A Disused Shed in Co Wexford’ Once Again” (Haughton), 309.10n91, 312.10n95

Opi Junction, NIgeria, 342.210

oral poetics, 42.10; Clark and, 161.10; How the Leopard Got His Claws and, 241.20; Ibadan modernism and, 81.30; “Lament of the Drums” and, 225.50; Ogundele and, 209.10n13; Okigbo and, 212.100; Path of Thunder and, 231.90. See also lyric

“Orange Drums, Tyrone 1966” (Heaney), 288.10n44, 293.40

Ó Riada, Seán, 281.190

Origin of Life and Death, The (Beier, ed.), 335.220, 337.70

oríkì (praise poems), 8.10n1; Yeats tribute as, 11.40; Yoruba and, 43.230

òrìṣà, See Èṣù; Ọbàtálá; Olódùmarè; Ṣàngó [230.100]

Ormsby, Frank, 268.110

Osborne, Charles, 187.210, 195.21; Arts Council and, 197.120

“Osprey, The” (Longley), 302.150

Osundare, Niyi, 81.30

Ovid, 347.90

Owerri region, Nigeria, 333.220; Ala and, 110.100; Amadioha’s introduction to, 110.10n14

Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge Universities), 23.50, 73.180; Leeds compared to, 143.190; metropolitanism and, 28.240

Oxford Professor of Poetry, 332.80

Oxford University Press (OUP), 28.30; Mbari club and, 106.30, 115.120; metropolitanism and, 29.20; Okigbo and, 220.90; Simmons and, 263.140; Six Irish Poets published by, 93.50; “The Toad” and, 336.150

Oyo empire, 72.50

Pakistan, 16.150; India-Pakistan War and, 149.70; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 169.220

Palestine, 39.170; Biafra and, 339.150

Palinurus (Aeneid), 235.140; Awolowo and, 221.10n55; lack of insight of, 218.10n47; “Lament of the Drums” and, 222.140; Okigbo revisions and, 221.11n57

Palm-Wine Drinkard, The (Tutuola), 20.230, 139.100

pan-Africanism, 20.70; Azikiwe and, 207.11n7; Okigbo and, 222.120; print Atlantic and, 23.140; Walcott and, 203.220

Parker, Stewart, 85.10n88, 87.90, 90.150; Belfast Group and, 94.90; “Suicide,” 89.130; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 171.60

parochialism, 95.160, 143.100. See also provincialism

partheneia (maiden songs), 163.70

Patey, Douglas, 278.11n18

Path of Thunder (Okigbo), 212.70; Black Orpheus and, 209.120; “Come Thunder” and, 233.30; Labyrinths and, 237.170; print history of, 227.120, 234.30

Patke, Rajeev, 22.170, 23.130

Paulin, Tom, 314.50

Peace Corps Volunteers, 105.61, 121.200

Penguin Book of Contemporary British Poetry (Morrison and Motion), 172.50

Penguin New Writing, 187.180

People of the City (Ekwensi), 236.160

periphery, 32.80; metropolitan-provincial opposition and, 31.200. See also center-periphery

Philoctetes, 165.150

Phoenix, 281.100

Plath, Sylvia, 188.30, 204.230

Plomer, William, 187.190; Walcott and, 198.120

“Poem for an Anthology of Commonwealth Verse” (Lucie-Smith), 135.170, 140.30

Poems (Clark), 112.120

Poems from Prison (Soyinka), 268.210

25 Poems (Walcott), 191.130

Poetry & Audience (magazine), 62.60, 67.220, 68.10n30; UCI and, 72.151

Poetry Book Society, 157.80, 158.70; contributions invited by, 154.10n76

Poetry Commonwealth (magazine), 132.161

Poetry (magazine), 209.11n14; “Contemporary Irish Poetry” issue and, 335.161; Odi Barbare and, 348.10n44

poiesis, 35.11

Pollard, Charles W., 187.70; Brathwaite/Walcott binary and, 197.10n44

Pollard, Natalie, 279.10n20

Pompeii, 316.220

Postcolonial Exotic, The (Huggan), 133.10n10

postcolonialism: Americanization and, 350.110; anglophone literary world and, 42.100; capitalism and, 11.11n12; cultural institutions and, 35.240; diachronic comparison and, 15.42; Hufstader and, 280.10n22; modernism and, 13.180; print Atlantic and, 22.70; rise of, 61.220; sociology of literature and, 31.40, 36.90; temporality and, 30.150; transnationalism and, 351.10. See also Commonwealth; decolonization

Postcolonial Poetry in English (Patke), 22.170

poststructuralism, 30.40

Pound, Ezra, 11.110; Commonwealth students and, 59.131; “Four Canzones” and, 84.160, 112.80; Ibadan modernism and, 74.240; “In a Station of the Metro,” 153.20; Walcott and, 188.200

Powell, Enoch, 176.130

Prague Spring, 267.20, 272.180

praise poetry, 8.10n1, 347.100; Yeats tribute as, 11.40; Yoruba and, 43.230

print Atlantic, 22.70

print culture, 32.80; African literature and, 216.30; “Come Thunder” and, 233.30; Dane and, 32.10n74; Gitelman and, 18.11n33, 207.10n5; “Lament of the Drums” and, 222.40; literary present and, 64.70; lyrical address and, 309.160; metropolitan cultural institutions and, 35.190; modernity and, 216.220; new media and, 351.10; Okigbo and, 209.70; Path of Thunder and, 227.120; poetry and, 17.170, 285.110; transnationalism and, 351.10. see also materiality; publishing

production, circulation, and reception trinity, 22.170, 23.120

Protestants, 272.230; Longley and, 303.100; Simmons and, 272.60; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” and, 299.111

provincialism, 45.40; Belfast and, 85.181; Blake’s poetry and, 78.20; cultural field concept and, 36.200; Englishness and, 34.90; Faber and Faber and, 287.10n41; Hardy on, 66.13n24; Harrison and, 66.70; Heaney and, 92.40; Larkin and, 69.41; metropolitanism and, 71.50; metropolitan-provincial opposition and, 31.200; poetic style and, 62.50; poetry and, 58.130; post-colonial poetry compared to, 23.220; Queen’s University Belfast, 91.50; welfare colonialism and, 60.110. See also metropolitanism

Psalm 106, 340.10n22

publics, 37.190, 45.10; Citadel Books and, 247.200; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 133.110; Commonwealth literature and, 172.120; “For Christopher Okigbo” and, 250.40; Honest Ulsterman and, 275.120; Longley and, 308.30; Mahon and, 318.90; political commitment and, 286.160; public discourse and, 282.90; sociology of texts and, 36.30; transnational form of, 13.70; verse letters and, 298.70; Warner and, 13.10n17

publishing, 28.30; Americanization and, 350.110; colonialism and, 336.210; Labyrinths and, 245.200; Lerner and, 91.10; literary Greenwich meridian and, 71.170; literary present and, 64.70; London Magazine and, 197.200; Longley’s view of poems and, 304.130; lyric poetry and, 285.20; Okigbo’s death and, 244.130; okigbo’s posthumous editions and, 245.180; production and, 298.160. See also circulation; literary production; London literary establishment; print culture

Publishing the Postcolonial (Low), 217.50

“Punishment” (Heaney), 286.70, 308.142; lyrical address and, 318.140; unrhymed sonnet form of, 317.10n111

Q (magazine), 89.200

Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), 15.100, 87.220; Commonwealth routes and, 336.190; Commonwealth students and, 59.10; Heaney at, 91.50; Hobsbaum at, 93.241; Northern Ireland literary renaissance and, 57.111; Nwoga and, 333.220

Ramazani, Jahan, 10.170; British Romantic poetry and, 75.20; Clifford’s translocal culture and, 333.10n4; Heaney and, 295.180; The Hybrid Muse, 22.90; mapmakers’ geopolitical self-perceptions and, 150.10n63; translocal poetics and, 333.70

Randolph, Jody Allen, 312.171

Ransome-Kuti, I. O., 61.10

Ravenscroft, Arthur, 144.10n44; Hill-Killam relationship and, 340.11n24; JCL and, 147.91; Okigbo and, 346.200; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 170.60

Rea, Julian, 115.210, 220.80

“Reaping in Heat” (“Incertus”), 89.200

reception, 22.170; anglophone literary world and, 40.140; new media and, 351.10

Redmond, John, 312.10n95; private vs. public and, 313.10n100

Rencontre Internationale de Poètes (Berlin), 203.220; CCF funding of, 149.120

resistance, 22.10. See also Biafra; Troubles

“Resolution and Independence” (Wordsworth), 76.100; “chatters/waters” rhyme and, 67.10n26

Review (journal), 28.11n62, 295.10; literary production and, 28.170

Rezek, Joseph, 24.240

Rhodesia, 176.20

Rich, Adrienne, 44.50

Richards, David, 231.10n78

Rights of Passage (Brathwaite), 202.10

Rimbaud, Arthur, 193.140

“Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The” (Coleridge), 78.170

Rivers State lobby, 238.10n98

Roach, E. M., 158.160; dialect and, 201.10

Robson, Jeremy, 171.220

Rodgers, W. R., 86.40

Roman Empire, 224.180; imperialism and, 220.10n52; “Punishment” and, 322.51

Romantic poetry, 75.210; post-Romantic lyric and, 283.150

Rooney, Patrick, 311.100; poems compared on, 277.11n15

Ross, Alan, 187.210, 190.80, 191.180; anthology selection and, 204.120; London Magazine and, 197.121

“Royaldrums” (Ndu), 168.230

“Royal Palms, The” (Walcott), 196.30

Royal Society of Arts, 145.211

Rubin, Andrew, 119.160

Russell, Richard Rankin, 280.11n23; Heaney’s anti-sectarianism and, 289.10n45

Sacred Wood, The (Eliot), 78.10, 81.10n76

Said, Edward, 39.120, 213.120

“Sailing to Byzantium” (Yeats), 10.10

Saint Lucia, 17.140; Hybrid Muse and, 22.110; Walcott boycott and, 173.50, 175.230; Walcott’s representation of, 40.240. See also Walcott

Ṣàngó, 232.80

Sapphic stanzaic form, 347.200

Saro-Wiwa, Ken, 243.100; Clark and, 238.10n98; Labyrinths and, 245.200

“Scaffolding” (Heaney), 171.100

Scheme of Special Relationship (university colleges), 74.10; Americanization and, 139.10n26; UCI’s standards and, 73.12n49

“School of Eloquence,” 67.30

Schwartz, Walter, 267.90

Scotland, 168.50

Scott, Dennis, 155.50; dialect and, 201.10

Scrutiny (quarterly), 279.220

Seasons, The (Thomson), 68.160

“Second Coming, The” (Yeats), 11.91, 232.100

Seferis, George, 194.60, 317.11

Selvon, Samuel, 21.30

Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 84.220; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70

“September Song” (Heaney): Rooney poems compared and, 277.11n15

“Serenades” (Heaney), 292.60

Shague Ghinthoss (Eureka Street), 289.11n45

Shakespeare, William, 9.120; Hamlet, 292.10n53, 296.130

Shenval Press, 199.60

Shrinking Island, A (Esty), 19.40

Shuttle in the Crypt, The (Soyinka), 344.130

Sierra Leone, 138.70

Silences (Okigbo), 226.30

Simmons, James, 34.70; achieved reputation of, 274.10n1; “African Bonfire,” 267.10n30; Ahmadu Bello University and, 340.200; Harrison and, 68.120; Heaney and, 281.100; Honest Ulsterman and, 268.200; idealization of tribal society and, 267.220; Kennedy-Andrews overview of, 257.10n1; Leeds University and, 68.11n33; on Longley, 302.190; national belonging and, 270.10n38; Nigeria and, 265.50; Nigerian poems by, 264.10n25, 275.100; Oko and, 260.10n12; Poetry & Audience and, 68.10n30, 69.70; political commitment and, 287.80; Symbolism and, 37.60; verse letters and, 298.20; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 171.60; Zaria affair and, 261.10n14

“Singing School” sequence (Heaney), 288.10n44

Six Irish Poets (anthology), 93.50

“Skara Brae” (Heaney), 302.10n75

Smith, Ken, 93.190

socialism, 67.160

sociology of literature, 26.40; center-periphery and, 29.130; cultural institutions and, 35.240; postcolonialism and, 36.90; production and, 29.150; world literary space and, 28.110

sociology of texts, 32.240, 35.150

Solarun, T. T., 220.80

“Soldier, The” (Brooke), 265.120

“Soliloquy for an Old Resident” (Heaney), 171.110

Song of A Goat (Clark), 111.12n16; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 131.110

Song of Lawino, The (p’Bitek), 25.11n52, 25.20

sonnet form, 302.180

“50 Sonnets from The School of Eloquence” (Harrison), 67.30

South Africa, 107.240; Brutus persecuted in, 141.30; CCF and, 121.11; Irish political landscape and, 91.60; literary political pressure and, 277.10n13; London Magazine and, 205.40; Mbari Publications and, 106.80; Ravenscroft and, 144.10n44

Soviet Union, 108.190, 266.180; Commonwealth literary studies and, 142.150

Soyinka, Wole, 72.151; “Abiku,” 344.110; Aké, 61.10; Americanization and, 350.130; Anikulapo-Kuti and, 109.100; authenticity and, 118.21; Biafran war and, 275.60; Blake and, 77.110; bolekaja critics and, 74.170, 74.180; Cardiff conference and, 151.180, 165.100; CCF and, 120.150; on Cold War, 121.220; communalism and, 231.170; A Dance of the Forests, 107.180; early writings of, 64.230; editing “Idanre” and, 158.10; Englsh meditative verse and, 77.10n62; “For Christopher Okigbo,” 250.40; Harrison and, 68.120; “Idanre,” 162.230; imperialism and, 224.200; “Ivbie” and, 79.60; last Okigbo meeting and, 241.190; Leeds Conference and, 143.210; London Magazine and, 205.130; London publishers and, 117.50; Mahon and, 268.210; Marxism and, 67.170; Mbari Artists’ and Writers’ Club and, 105.150; Mbari Publications and, 106.80; modernity and, 217.80; Modern Poetry from Africa and, 85.61; Okigbo compared to, 210.60; OUP and, 115.120; pessimism of, 283.10n27; political commitment and, 287.60; Simmons and, 261.150, 263.180; Three Plays, 111.12n16; university system and, 61.140; Yoruba modernity and, 217.140; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 168.171

spatial circulation, 31.100. See also circulation

spatial comparison, 262.120

Speaking to You: Contemporary Poetry and Public Address (Pollard), 279.10n20

Spectator (magazine), 282.140; Listener and, 289.130; public political commitment and, 285.210

Speech! Speech! (Hill), 346.150

Spirit Level, The (Heaney), 332.50; “A Dog Was Crying in Wicklow Also,” 335.190

spiritual possession, 343.40

Spivak, Gayatri, 39.120; subaltern consciousness and, 117.130

Squires, Geoffrey, 272.150

St. Columb’s College, 15.70

Stallworthy, Jon, 29.20, 202.10

Stand (magazine), 93.190

Stevenson, W. H., 75.220

“Strange Fruit” (Heaney), 315.10n104, 317.10n111

stranger sociability, 309.60. See also publics

structural comparativism, 28.120

Subaltern Studies Collective, 117.130

“Such Men Are Dangerous” (Heaney), 94.140

Suez Crisis (1956), 16.150

“Suicide” (Parker), 89.130

Susan Stanford Friedman, 30.10n69

Swanzy, Henry, 191.160

Symbolism, 37.60

Tacitus, 319.60, 322.50

“Talk, Patter, and Song” (Echeruo), 168.220

Tammuz (vegetation god), 218.11n49; Awolowo and, 221.10n55

Tell Us What God Said (Oko), 260.10n12

tempo of institutions studies, 33.20

temporality, 30.150; sociology of texts and, 35.200. See also Greenwich meridian of literary time; literary present

textual voice, 65.10n19

“Them & [uz]” (Harrison), 66.80; Heaney and, 89.230

Things Fall Apart (Achebe), 11.80; African Writers Series and, 222.10n59; relation to “Ivbie” (Clark), 80.220

Third World, 273.160. See also Commonwealth

Thomas, R. S., 93.11

Thompson, E. P., 67.30; New Left Review and, 67.11n28

Thompson, John, 119.140

Thomson, James, 68.160

Three Plays (Soyinka), 111.12n16

“Thunder to Storm” (Soyinka), 77.10n62

Thwaite, Anthony, 302.210; literary production and, 29.150; Longley’s verse letters and, 302.40

Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 71.20; Commonwealth literature and, 142.190; literary Greenwich meridian and, 71.131; Mahon and, 318.60; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 167.120, 169.140

Times of London (newspaper), 66.230

“Toad, The” (Igbo story), 335.70

“To Derek Mahon” (Longley), 302.50

“To James Simmons” (Longley), 306.200

“Tollund Man, The” (Heaney), 321.180

“To Seamus Heaney” (Longley), 302.51, 307.130

“To Three Irish Poets” (Longley), 306.201

Toward the Decolonization of African Literature (Ibekwe), 73.100

Transcription Centre (London), 120.200, 122.100; Cardiff conference and, 165.130

transcultural aesthetic, 237.60

Transition (magazine), 122.190; CCF and, 120.90, 251.230; CIA funding scandal and, 121.10n49; Okigbo and, 222.40; oral tradition in, 161.10; Palinurus revisions and, 221.11n57; Path of Thunder and, 227.190; Simmons and, 264.170; transnationalism and, 351.170

translocal poetics, 333.70, 350.180; emerging conceptions of, 333.10n4

transnationalism, 11.180, 105.150, 351.10; Anglophone literary world and, 40.230; border-crossing agents and, 12.10n14; Citadel Books and, 247.200; colonial administrators and, 207.11n7; decolonization and, 19.231; inclusion/exclusion dynamics and, 35.70; Mbari publications and, 108.30; metropolitan-provincial opposition and, 31.200; modernist turn towards, 13.220; Okigbo and, 12.60; print Atlantic and, 22.70; publics located within, 13.70; Walcott and, 202.170; world literary space and, 28.12. See also Commonwealth

Treasures of the Commonwealth Exhibition, 133.10n10

Treblinka, 316.220

Trial of Christopher Okigbo, The (Mazrui), 251.120

triangulated address, 322.210

tribal society, 267.220

Trinidad Guardian, 39.10; Brathwaite and, 202.80; immigration and, 174.50; modernity and, 216.160; Walcott and, 204.30

Trinity College Dublin, 86.240

Triumph of Love, The (Hill), 346.150

Trocchi, Alex, 150.170

Troubles (Farrell), 315.20

Troubles (Northern Ireland), 291.50; “A Disused Shed in Co Wexford” and, 313.230; An Exploded View and, 302.10n75; historical use of term, 274.11n2; Longley and, 302.201; lyric and, 326.10; non-sectarianism and, 304.30; Nwoga’s family and, 334.200; political commitment and, 285.90; political journalism and, 285.100; publics and, 310.90; “Punishment” and, 318.140; Simmons’ Nigerian poems and, 275.100; “Whatever You Say Say Nothing” and, 294.20; “Wounds” and, 308.140

Tutuola, Amos, 20.230, 214.10; authenticity of Mbari Club and, 118.21

Udje dance, 161.40

Uganda, 22.110

Ulster Emergency, 291.190; achieved poetic reputations and, 274.10n1

“Ulster” (Longley), 303.40

Unionists, 293.60; Simmons and, 275.20. See also Troubles

United Irishman, 293.10n56

United Kingdom. See Britain; Commonwealth

United States, 16.151; Achebe and, 249.10; Civil Rights Movement in, 272.190; Commonwealth literary studies and, 142.150; Leeds Conference and, 144.11; Mbari and, 108.70; Walcott and, 204.20; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 167.140. See also American literature

universalism, 20.200; London Magazine and, 205.30

Universities and Left Review, 67.11n28

University College, Ibadan (UCI), 76.120, 105.40, 341.160; Aeneid and, 224.190; Dike as First Nigerian principal at, 73.10n48; The Horn and, 82.10n78; Irish Catholic culture compared to students at, 88.90; literary generation and, 206.10n2; Mbari generation and, 210.120; Nigerian perception of standards at, 73.12n49; Soyinka’s “Thunder to Storm” and, 77.10n62; syllabus of, 214.10; welfare colonialism and, 57.170

University College of the Gold Coast, 57.170

University College of the West Indies, 58.10n4; welfare colonialism and, 57.170

University of Ibadan. See UCI

University of Leeds, 34.90; Jeffares and, 143.120; Poetry & Audience and, 67.220; reading for Okigbo at, 346.200; “School of Eloquence” and, 67.30; Simmons at, 68.11n33; UCI and, 72.151. See also Conference on Commonwealth Literature; Jeffares

University of London, 34.90; Nwoga and, 334.120; Scheme of Special Relationship and, 74.10; transnationalism and, 351.170; university system and, 61.70

University of Nsukka, Nigeria, 334.110, 341.110; Okigbo and, 219.210; Okigbo’s death at, 251.200

Unseasonable Youth (Esty), 30.110

“unthought” concept, 26.70

Urhobo language, 79.160, 160.21

U Tam’si, Tchicaya, 9.130; Dakar Literary Festival and, 20.10n37

“Valediction” (MacNeice), 86.190

Van Sertima, Ivan, 163.170

Vasunia, Phiroze, 220.10n52

Vendler, Helen, 305.30

vernacular, 23.70, 42.120; Bennett and, 154.11

Verse and Voice (anthology), 131.200; Dickinson and, 158.11; Nigeria and, 165.20; Okigbo and, 162.90; Walcott boycott and, 172.200

“Verse and Voice” festival, 157.130, 165.10; Dickinson and, 158.11

Victorian era, 10.160; Roman Empire and, 220.10n52

“Views” columns (Heaney), 39.30, 298.230; Black Panthers in, 293.10n56

Virgil, 84.40; Aeneid, 9.70; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70; “Lament of the Drums” and, 221.10n55, 222.140; Palinurus in Aeneid of, 218.10n47

Viswanathan, Gauri, 26.180

“Voyelles” (Rimbaud), 193.140

W. B. Yeats, 1865–1965 (centenary tribute), 265.30

Walcott, Derek, 12.140, 17.80, 194.150; African writers and, 205.10; Americanization and, 350.130; Brathwaite binary with, 197.10n44; CCF event in Berlin and, 145.11n50; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 140.220; discrepant cosmopolitanism and, 187.50; fame and, 37.150; In a Green Night, 20.10n37; immigration boycott and, 177.160; imperialism and, 224.200; journalism and, 280.30; Leaving School and, 182.10n1; London Magazine and, 203.60; London Magazine anthology and, 204.40; Londonness and, 186.40; modernity and, 216.160; “Negatives,” 342.120; Omeros, 165.150; Poetry Book Society and, 154.10n76; representation by, 40.240; “The Royal Palms, The,” 196.30; Trinidad Guardian and, 39.10; university and, 58.10n4, 61.140; vernacular speech and, 23.70; welfare state and, 58.11; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 166.180

Wales, 168.50

Walker, George, 292.160

Wallerstein, Immanuel, 28.10n60

Warner, Michael, 13.90; public discourse and, 282.120; publics and, 13.10n17; punctuality of circulation and, 280.12n24; stranger sociability and, 309.80; verse letters and, 298.70

Waste Land, The (Eliot), 80.230; Fisher King in, 226.80; Okigbo and, 81.110; “What the Thunder Said” and, 230.140

“Waterman, The” (Karibo), 76.30

Waters, William, 325.200

Watson, Tim, 145.210

Wearing of the Black, The (Fiacc), 278.160

welfare colonialism, 57.150; provincialism and, 60.110

“Welfare State” (Heaney), 92.70

Wenger, Susanne, 112.130

Wer pa Lawino (p’Bitek). See Song of Lawino

West African Pilot, 211.120

West African Verse (anthology), 334.170

Western literary models, 22.150

Western Region elections (Nigeria), 264.20

West Indies, 40.240; Commonwealth Arts Festival and, 186.120; Dathorne on, 170.170; London Magazine and, 200.140; metropolitanism and, 62.230; novelists of, 21.20; poetry’s circulation and, 23.140; Walcott boycott and, 177.160; Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 and, 168.40. See also Walcott

West Indies Federation, 158.220

“What Do African Intellectuals Read?” (Achebe), 218.110

“What Do You Want, Mama?” (Walcott), 175.40

“Whatever You Say Say Nothing” (Heaney), 294.20

“What’s Hard” (Lerner), 91.160

“When Shall I Tune My Doric Reed” (Harrison), 68.70

White Goddess (Graves), 226.90

Wicklow (County). See “A Dog Was Crying in Wicklow Also”

Wilde, Oscar, 26.110

William of Orange, 272.70, 300.60

Williams, Hugo, 199.60, 204.120

Williams, Raymond, 138.210

Wills, Clair, 280.10n22

Wilson, Harold, 174.60

Wilson, Robert McLiam, 289.11n45

Windeby Girl, 320.210, 323.30, 325.90. See also “Punishment”

“Wind of Change” speech (Macmillan), 16.200

Wintering Out (Heaney), 292.60

women, 43.30

Wordsworth, William, 75.211; “chatters/waters” rhyme and, 67.10n26; Harrison’s speech patterns and, 66.240; Murray and, 152.120

World Congress of Negro Writers and Artists (1956), 83.140

World Festival of Negro Arts (1966), 20.80, 204.10

world literary space, 28.110; alternative modernities and, 212.10n25; literary present and, 64.70; negotiations within, 32.190

world literature, 108.30

World Republic of Letters (Casanova), 28.110; autonomy in exile and, 107.240; provincialism and, 63.20

World War One, 309.210; “Ivbie” and, 79.210

World War Two, 16.41

“Wounds” (Longley), 286.70, 308.140; lyrical address and, 320.130

Wretched of the Earth, The (Fanon), 228.210

Wright, Judith, 193.180; Americanization and, 350.130; legitimacy and, 43.181; London Magazine and, 188.50, 200.40, 203.170; provincialism and, 57.80; Walcott and, 202.170

Writing Home: Poetry and Place in Northern Ireland, 1968-2008, 257.10n1

Yeats, William Butler: centenary tributes to, 12.50, 265.30, 341.90; Hill’s praise poetry and, 347.40; January Boys and, 229.40; Okigbo tribute to, 11.40; publishing contexts and, 280.11n23; “The Second Coming,” 232.100

Yoruba, 72.30; àbíkú and, 344.50; Black Orpheus and, 83.20; “Come Thunder” and, 232.80; “Dance of the Painted Maidens” and, 163.70; jazz and, 236.30; “Lament of the Masks” and, 43.230; modernity and, 217.140; oríkì in, 11.40; Path of Thunder and, 231.130; poetry of, 84.20; self-representations of, 349.150; Soyinka’s use of proverbs and, 263.190; Wenger and, 112.170

Young British Poets, The (Robson, ed.), 171.220

Young Commonwealth Poets ’65 (anthology), 131.190, 151.60, 166.30

Zachernuk, Philip, 206.11n3

Zaria, Nigeria, 268.130

Zaria Rebels, 108.80, 112.21

Zimbler, Jarad, 277.10n13

Medieval Jerusalem by Jacob Lassner

al-‘Abbās ibn ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib, 139

Abbasids, 86–88, 91–93; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142; administrative centers in, 109; Arabic historiography and, 137; Ben Yochai cycle and, 1875; imperialism and, 176, 179; al-Ma’mūn and, 173n51; messianism and, 163–64; palace-mosques and, 114–15, 119; Samarra murders and, 180; siege of Mecca and, 146; Sunnis and, 140; Temple Mount excavations and, 98; Umayyads and, 63; unrecovered historical sources and, 139

‘Abdallāh b. ‘Abbās, 148

‘Abdallāh b. al-Zubayr, 70, 83, 85, 121, 126-31, 143-46, 158

‘Abd al-‘Azīz b. Marwān, 148

‘Abd al-Malik b. Marwān, 83–87, 147, 150; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 143; Alids and, 133; apocalyptic literature and, 78–79; Arabic historiography and, 121–22, 124, 131–32, 134, 136–37; Arab tribes and, 152–53; architectural symbolism and, 155–57; Christianity and, 176; construction practices compared and, 87–91; decorative motifs and, 159–61; Dome of the Rock’s meaning and, 151; faḍā’il and, 11; Friday mosques and, 135; imperialism and, 177–79; Jewish traditions and, 168; messianism and, 163–65, 167, 171–72; Mu‘āwiyah and, 77, 95; non-Muslim sites for mosque building and, 59; palace-mosques and, 115; rebellions against, 91–94; siege of Mecca and, 144–46; site of Islamic rule and, 65, 68–70, 72, 80; Sunnis and, 140; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 54; Temple Mount excavations and, 100, 110–11; triumphalism and, 169–70; Umayyad administrative complex and, 120; unicity of God and, 173; unrecovered historical sources and, 138–39; visual symbolism and, 154; Zubayrid rebellion and, 92–94, 126–30

Abraham, 1, 3, 6; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 189–91; blessed lands and, 45; God’s promise to, 21, 194; holy sites and, 196–97; messianism and, 166; monotheism and, 28; Mount Moriah and, 35; New Jerusalem and, 52; primeval rock, 158; Sūrah 5 and, 22; vows to visit Jerusalem and, 187–88; Wāsiṭī and, 169n39; Zubayrid rebellion and, 127

Abū Bakr, 60, 70

Abū Ḥamzah al-Mukhtār b. ‘Awf, 136

Abū-l-Fidā’, 134

Abū-l-Ma‘ālī, 182-83. See also Ibn al-Murajjā

Abū-l-Qāsim and, 181

Abū Sufyān, 125

Abū ‘Ubaydah b. al-Jarrāḥ, 57

Acre, siege of, 75n41

Adam and Eve story, 34, 52, 159

administrative structures, 96–98, 102–6, 110–13, 119–20; dating of, 106–10; Grabar’s assessment and, 100–101; House of the Candelabras and, 98–99; palace-mosque complexes and, 113, 116–19; symbolic transfers of authority and, 114–15

Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem), 6, 56, 58, 61; bathhouse structures and, 112; New Jerusalem and, 50

‘Ā’ishah bint Abī Bakr, 70, 112

Ajnadayn, battle of, 93

Akkadians, 6n13

Aleppo, 59

Alexandria, 131, 134. See also Eutychius

‘Alī b. Abī Ṭālib, 63, 137, 138, 148; Mu‘āwiyah and, 60; ta‘rīf and, 148; unrecovered historical sources and, 139; Zubayrid rebellion and, 141

Alids, 63–64; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142; Arabic historiography and, 132, 137–38; construction practices and, 87; revolution by, 139; Shi‘ites and, 140; Umayyads and, 133; al-Ya‘qūbī on, 140; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91–94, 141

Amalekites, 75n42

Amarna letters, name of Jerusalem and, 6n13

Anakites, 21–22

‘Anjar, 105

anti-Jerusalem literature, 189–92; ḥajj and, 184–88; holy sites and, 193, 197–99

Antiouchus Epiphanes, 30–31, 47

Aphrodito papyri, 107–9, 118

apocalyptic literature, 162, 165–67, 172; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 192; Ben Yochai cycle and, 72–76; decorative motifs and, 160, 162; faḍā’il and, 11n23; holy sites and, 193; Jewish traditions and, 168; Mu‘āwiyah and, 76–79; Muslim conquest and, 41; New Jerusalem and, 50; site of Islamic rule and, 65–66. See also messianism

al-Aqṣā mosque, 6, 11, 96, 99; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 184–85, 192; Aphrodito papyri and, 109; architectural symbolism and, 155, 158; construction practices and, 87; Friday mosques and, 134; imperialism and, 177–78; palace complexes and, 107–8, 112, 113, 116–17; praise for native abodes and, 181; site of Islamic rule and, 65, 71; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 55; triumphalism and, 169; visual symbolism and, 154

Arabia, 152–53, 196–97, 199–200; administrative complexes in, 120; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 190–91; Arabic historiography and, 123; Becker on conquest’s economic causes and, 40n4; Christianity and, 41n4; city model of, 106n15; Dome of the Rock’s meaning and, 151; kingship template of, 62; messianism and, 162, 166; Palestine compared to, 191; patronage and clientage in, 69; pre-Islamic projections of power by, 45n16; pure Islam and, 194; sacred geography and, 17–18; trade networks of, 27; Zubayrid rebellion and, 92–93. See also Umayyads

Arabic historiography, 121–25, 131–33, 136–37, 141–42, 147–50; Friday mosques and, 134–35; siege of Mecca and, 143–46; unrecovered historical sources and, 138–40; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126–30. See also medieval chronicles

Arabic language, 76, 84; Jacob’s dream in, 37; Jerusalem’s toponyms and, 6; philology of, 54

‘Arafāt, plain of, 129, 141, 144, 148–49

‘Arā’is al-majālis (al-Tha‘labī), 4n8

Aram, 6n14

Aramaic language, 6, 26n10

archaeological reconstruction, 105–7; architectural drawings and, 100–104

architecture: archaeological drawings and, 100–104; decorative motifs and, 159–62; Dome of the Rock and, 154–58; sacred space and, 2; unicity of God and, 173

Arch of Titus, 170. See also Titus

Arculf, 59, 65; Friday mosques and, 134; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 54; Temple Mount mosques and, 82–83

arḍ al-ḥaram (holy sanctuary), 196

al-arḍ al-muqaddasah (holy land), 80; blessed cities and, 45n15. See Holy Land

Ark of the covenant, 34, 36, 47

art historical methods, 169n40, 170, 172; decorative motifs and, 161; messianism and, 167, 173

asbāb al-nuzūl (circumstances of revelation), 29

Ashkenazi, 75n42, 76n42

Assyrians, 6n13, 47

‘Aṭiyyah b. Qays, 12

‘Awānah b. al-Ḥakam al-Kalbī, 62–63

al-‘Azīz, ‘Umar b. ‘Abd, 134

al-‘Azīzī (Muhallabī), 134

Babylon, 9, 31–32, 48; apocalyptic literature and, 76n42; Ben Yochai cycle and, 73–74; palace complexes and, 108; Persian conquest of, 26

Badr, battle of, 44

Baghdad, 86–88, 91–92, 114, 116–17; Arabic historiography and, 121; Christian places of worship appropriation and, 104

Balādhurī, Ansāb al-Ashrāf, 62, 94, 132; siege of Mecca and, 143

Banū ‘Abbās, 121

Banu Umayyah, 124, 152

Bashear, Suliman, 29n18, 32; anti-Christian commentary and, 30n18

Basra, 113–14; holy sites and, 199; Kufa and, 180; Mu‘āwiyah and, 60; ta‘rīf and, 148

bathhouse structure, 99–100, 106, 111–12, 114, 116, 120

Bayḍāwī, 24

bayt al-māl (project treasury), 90

Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), 6n13, 7; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 185, 189; blessed lands and, 45n15; Christian rule and, 25; concentric circles of holiness and, 36; Muslim conquest and, 56; Temple Mount and, 34; Zubayrid rebellion and, 127, 129

Becker, C. H., 40n4

Bedouins, 2

Bell, Richard, 25

Ben-Dov, Meir, 96, 99, 102, 109–10, 118–19

Ben Yochai cycle of apocalypses, 65–66, 72–76, 79; Mu‘āwiyah and, 77–78

Bethel, 35, 37

Bethlehem, 89

Bibliotheca Orientalis (journal), 167

al-Bidāyah wa-l-nihāyah (Ibn Kathīr), 135

Bonner, Michael, 27n11; Jihād in Islamic History, 41n4

Bulliet, Richard, 152n2

Burning Bush, 15–16

Busse, Heribert, 57n36

Byzantines, 6–7, 41, 61, 168–70, 193–94, 196; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83–84; Aeilia Capitolina and, 6; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 199; Arabic historiography and, 121, 123–24; Arab tribes and, 152–53; architectural symbolism and, 156–57; Ben Yochai cycle and, 74–75; Dome of the Rock’s meaning and, 151; faḍā’il and, 9; Ḥudaybīyah and, 25; imperialism and, 176–78; messianism and, 163–66; Muslim conquest and, 40; New Jerusalem and, 50–51; palace-mosques and, 118; polemics against, 32; prohibition of Muslim prayer and, 30n18; Sasanid war and, 24; al-Shām and, 2; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 48; surrender by, 57n35, 182; Temple Mount excavations and, 98, 105, 110–11; Umayyad administrative complex and, 119–20; visual symbolism and, 154; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91, 93, 129

Caesarea, 51, 156

Cairo Geniza, 66

Cambridge History of Islam, 41n4

Cambridge Medieval History, 41n4

Canaan (Noah’s grandson), 3

Canaan, land of, 3, 20–23, 36, 45, 183; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 189–91

Carmathians, 75

Christianity, 1–2, 30–34, 36–37, 168–69, 201; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 84; Aeilia Capitolina and, 6; al-Ḥākim campaign against, 11; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 191; Arabic historiography and, 121, 124; Arab tribes and, 41n4, 152, 153; architectural symbolism and, 156–57; artisanal builders and, 89n17; Ben Yochai cycle and, 75–76; church defacement and, 154n4; decorative motifs and, 159–62; diverting the ḥajj and, 134; Dome of the Rock’s meaning and, 151; faḍā’il and, 9; Friday mosques and, 135; holy sites and, 193–96, 199–201; imperialism and, 176–79; Jerusalem rule and, 24–28; Jerusalem’s occupation and, 189; messianism and, 162–63, 165–67; monotheism and, 122–23; pagan alliance with, 32; pilgrimage and, 117–18; praise for Jerusalem and, 184; prohibition of Muslim prayer and, 30n18; sacred geography and, 15–19; Sūrah 17:1 and, 40–46; Temple Mount excavations and, 98, 103–4; Umayyad administrative complex and, 120; unicity of God and, 174; visual symbolism and, 154. See also Crusades

Christology, 174

2 Chronicles, Book of (Bible), 35

Church of Resurrection, 177

Church of St. John, 59, 177

Church of the Holy Sepulcher, 11, 57, 88, 156–57, 177–78; Jesus’s footprint and, 128; New Jerusalem and, 51–52

Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem), 89

City of Peace (Madīnat al-Salām), 86

Constantine I, 50; architectural symbolism and, 156; Christ’s burial place and, 157; Heavenly Jerusalem and, 106; Muslim conquest and, 56, 56n31; New Jerusalem and, 51–52, 58

Constantinople, 162, 165–66

conversion, 193–94, 199–200; Arab tribes and, 152; messianism and, 163; triumphalism and, 170

Cook, David, 165, 176

Cook, Michael, 18n37, 136

Creation story, 36, 39

Creswell, K. A. C., 59, 134, 157n12, 158

Crone, Patricia, 18n37, 27n11

Crusades, 61, 75, 188–89, 192; apocalyptic literature and, 76n42; faḍā’il and, 8–10, 11n23; Kenites as, 75n42

Ctesiphon, 87, 115

currency, 84, 111–12, 118, 121; aniconic forms of, 153

Cyrus (Persian king), 26, 37

Damascus, 2, 96, 102, 111; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 85; apocalyptic literature and, 79; Arabic historiography and, 121; Ben Yochai cycle and, 76; construction practices and, 89; holy land’s extent and, 23; imperialism and, 177; Islamic rule transferred from; Jerusalem’s symbolic importance and, 61, 64; palace-mosques and, 113–14; Samarra and, 180; siege of Mecca and, 144; site of Islamic rule and, 65, 69–71, 80; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91, 93

Daniel, 162

David (King of Israel), 4, 16, 35–37, 170, 182, 193; messianism and, 171; Sūrah 38 and, 27–28

Day of Atonement, 36

Day of Judgment, 24, 63, 192

Day of Resurrection, 159, 173

Day of Sacrifice, 144

Death of a Prophet, The (Shoemaker), 41n4

decorative motifs, 159–62; imperialism and, 176; messianism and, 163, 165–66, 171–72; triumphalism and, 169–70; unicity of God and, 173

Deuteronomy, 21–22, 47

Dhū-l-Ḥijjah, month of, 183

Diaspora Jews, 195

dīn (world of faith), 62, 68, 127

Dīnawarī, 132

divine ascension, 39–40; Muḥammad and, 55; Sūrah 17:1 and, 42

Diyārbakrī, 59, 131, 198

Dome of the Chain, 90n20

Dome of the Rock, 121–25, 131–33, 136–37, 141–42, 147–51; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83–85, 95; architectural design and, 154–58; architecture of, 154–58; Christianity and, 176–79; concentric circles of holiness and, 36; construction practices and, 87–91; decorative motifs and, 159–62; faḍā’il transmission chains and, 12, 14; Friday mosques and, 134–35; Jewish memorabilia and, 167–68; messianism and, 162–66, 171–72; palace-mosques and, 116–17; restoring cupola of, 11; sacred space and, 2; siege of Mecca and, 143–46; site of Islamic rule and, 71; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 54; Temple Mount excavations and, 110; unicity of God and, 173–75; unrecovered historical sources and, 138–40; visual symbolism and, 154; Zubayrid rebellion and, 93–94, 126–30

Donner, Fred, 41n4

dunyā (temporal world), 62, 68, 127

Early Islamic Conquests, The (Donner), 41n4

earthquake of 747 CE, 102, 109, 119

Ecochard, Michel, 157n12

Edomites, 74, 75n42, 78

Egypt, 44, 107–8, 115, 181–82; construction practices and, 90; Crusaders in, 75n41; Exodus generation and, 21; Hebrew Bible and, 20; holy sites and, 199

Elad, Amikam, 95–96, 102, 111, 136; Ben Yochai cycle and, 76; construction practices and, 89; diverting the ḥajj and, 134; faḍā’il and, 11–13; Friday mosques and, 135; site of Islamic rule and, 64–65, 67–68, 70–71; Sunnis and, 140; unrecovered historical sources and, 138–39

Elijah, 6n14

Encyclopedia of Islam, 94

End of Days, 193, 196

Enlightenment skepticism, 15

Enoch, 37

Erez Yisrael. See Holy Land

Esau, 75n42, 78. See also Edomites

eschatology, 19, 73, 159, 161, 189; messianism and, 163–67

Esther, Book of, 26n10

Euphrates, 5–6

Eusebius, 51

Eutychius, 131, 133–36, 147, 150; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142; ḥajj and, 146; unrecovered historical sources and, 140; al-Walid and, 56n31

Even Shemuel, Yehuda, 66n13, 76n42

Exodus generation, 21

“Expansion of the Saracens-the East” (Becker), 41n4

ex silentio arguments, 139–40, 149

Ezekiel, 43, 171n45

faḍā’il (Wāsiṭī), 171n45

faḍā’il Bayt al-Maqdis wa-l-Shām wa-l -Khalīl (Ibn al-Murajjā), 11, 182

faḍā’il al-Bayt al- Muqaddas (Wāsiṭī), 11, 167

faḍā’il al-Quds, 8–11, 15; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 189; Arabic historiography and, 131, 149; Jewish-Muslim conflicts and, 195n27; messianism and, 167, 192; palace complexes and, 109; patriarchs and matriarchs of, 192; praise for native abodes and, 180–84; rabbinic antecedents of, 36; transmission chains and, 12–14; Wāsiṭī and, 169n39; Zubayrid rebellion and, 127, 129–30

Fatimid caliphs, 75

Filasṭīn (Palestine), 3, 12, 36, 61; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 190; blessed lands and, 45n15; holy land’s extent and, 23; Zubayrid rebellion and, 128. See also Palestine

Filiations de Monuments (Ecochard), 157n12

Final Report II: The Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods, 98

five pillars of Islam, 1

Flood, F. B., 164

Friday mosques, 134–35, 157–58

“furthest place of worship,” 34, 46, 50, 52, 128; Sūrah 17:1 and, 39; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 49, 54

Fusṭāṭ, 108, 148

Gabriel, 39

gates, symbolic transfer of, 114–15

Gehenna, Valley of, 183

Geiger, Abraham, 27n11

Genesis, Book of, 3, 21, 35, 189, 195; apocalyptic literature and, 76n42; holy land promised in, 6; Jacob’s ladder in, 22, 37

geography, 1–3, 15–19; blurring of names in, 3–7. See also Holy Land

Geschichte des Qorans (Nöldeke), 49

Ghumdān (South Arabia), 160n23

Gilgamesh myth, 164

Goitein, S. D., 81–82, 132–33, 137, 147–48, 150; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83–85; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 199; architectural symbolism and, 158; construction practices and, 90; decorative motifs and, 159; Friday mosques and, 135; Iliyā’ and, 6n14; imperialism and, 179; messianism and, 172; siege of Mecca and, 143, 145; site of Islamic rule and, 71–72; ta‘rīf and, 149; Temple Mount excavations and, 110; unrecovered historical sources and, 138–40; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91, 93–94

Goldziher, Ignaz, 131, 133, 149–50; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142–43; architectural symbolism and, 158; Friday mosques and, 135; imperialism and, 179; messianism and, 172; Muhammedanische Studien, 126; siege of Mecca and, 145; unrecovered historical sources and, 140; Zubayrid rebellion and, 128–30

Golgotha, 52, 157

Goliath, 47

Grabar, Oleg, 98, 103–5, 110, 150, 152; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83–85; archaeological reconstruction and, 107; architectural drawings appraised by, 100–102; construction practices and, 86–88, 90; decorative motifs and, 161; Dome of the Rock prototypes and, 156n8; faḍā’il and, 8, 14–15; imperialism and, 176, 178–79; Jerusalem’s symbolic importance and, 62; New Jerusalem and, 58; non-Muslim sites for mosque building and, 59; palace complexes and, 108, 112, 118; site of Islamic rule and, 71–72; triumphalism and, 169–70; unicity of God and, 173, 175; visual symbolism and, 157; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91, 93–94

Graeco-Roman, 3, 5, 12, 80, 96, 111; Palaestina and, 23; praise for native abodes and, 182

Greece, 74, 84, 156; Aphrodito papyri and, 107

Greek language, 121, 153

Grossfeld, Bernard, 26n10

ḥadīth, 183; faḍā’il and, 9; vows to visit Jerusalem and, 188

Hadrian, 50, 157

Hagar, 1, 190

Hagarism (Cook and Crone), 18n37

ḥajj. See pilgrimage

al-Ḥajjāj b. Yūsūf, 113, 114–15, 117, 143, 144, 145

al-Ḥākim (Abu al-Mansur), 11

Ḥamzah ibn ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib, , 125

al-Ḥanafīyah, Muḥammad b., 139, 141

al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf. See Noble Sanctuary

ḥaramayn (holy cities), 2, 6, 16, 120, 196–97; ‘Alī and, 60; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 185, 189; Arabic historiography and, 124, 137; decorative motifs and, 159; ḥajj and, 183; imperialism and, 179; Jerusalem compared to, 180; praise for native abodes and, 181–82, 184; site of Islamic rule and, 67, 80; vows to visit Jerusalem and, 188; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126–30. See also Mecca; Medina

al-Ḥasan, Ibrāhīm b. ‘Abdallāh b., 92–94

Hāshimites, 67, 69–70, 124–25, 137, 151

al-Hāshimīyah, 91, 92, 121; administrative centers and, 110n27

Hasson, Isaac, 11, 167

al-Haytham b. ‘Adī, 136–37

Heavenly Jerusalem. See New Jerusalem

Hebrew Bible, 3–4, 50, 183, 195, 197; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 189–90, 198; apocalyptic literature and, 75n42; Jacob’s dream in, 37; killing of prophets in, 31; Prophet Muḥammad and, 20–23; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 49. See also Torah

Hebron, 56n31, 131, 187–88

Heraclius, 24–25, 41, 111

Herodians, 61

Hierosolyma (Jerusalem), 6, 56

Hijaz region, 17, 60, 133, 148, 183; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 183, 185, 189–90, 193, 196, 199; Arabic historiography and, 121, 123–25, 136; architectural symbolism and, 158; blessed cities and, 45n15; Hebrew Bible and, 20; Heraclius and, 24; Jerusalem’s symbolic importance and, 61; Jewish tribes of, 32; praise for native abodes and, 184; site of Islamic rule and, 67, 70; Sūrah 2:114 and, 33; vows to visit Jerusalem and, 188; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91–92, 94, 126, 128, 130

hijrah (Prophet’s emigration to Medina), 24

Hind bint ‘Utbah, 125

Hishām b. ‘Abd al-Malik, 111–12, 119, 127n11

Hishām al-Kalbī, 136–37

History of Muslim Historiography, A (Rosenthal), 139n49

Holy Land, 1, 20, 45, 132, 197–99, 201; blurred geography of, 3–7; Christianity and, 193–96, 199–201; extent of, 23; promise to Abraham and, 6; prophet’s burial places in, 42; al-Shām and, 2–5; Sūrah 5 and, 21–22; Sūrah 17:1 and, 42; Zion as, 6n13; Zubayrid rebellion and, 141

Holy of Holies, 36

Homs, 59

“House of the Candelabras” (Beit ha-Menorot), 98–99

Ḥudaybīyah, treaty of, 24–25, 29

Hulaku, 68

Ibn ‘Asākir, 36, 80

Ibn A‘tham al-Kūfī, 132

Ibn al-Athīr, 56n31, Kāmil, 159n7

Ibn al-Faqīh, 62,129-30

Ibn Isḥāq, 34, 138

Ibn Ṭabaṭabā, 56n31, 138

Ibn Taghrī Bīrdī, 131

Ibrāhīm b. ‘Abdallāh, the Alid, 91

Ibrāhīm b. Abī ‘Ablah, 12

iconography, 153, 154n4, 156, 200

al-Ikhlāṣ (unity of god), 174

Iliyā’ (Jerusalem), 6n14, 7, 34, 56

imperialism, 176–79. See also Muslim conquest; triumphalism

Indo-European peoples, 76n42

inscriptions, 153, 155, 160, 174–76, 179

Iran, 169n39

Iraq, 85, 91–94, 126, 141; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83; administrative centers in, 109; Arabic historiography and, 121; construction practices and, 87–88; garrison town architecture in, 106n15; holy sites and, 193, 199; Mu‘āwiyah and, 60, 62; palace-mosques and, 113; siege of Mecca and, 146; ta‘rīf and, 148

‘Ir ha-Qodesh (Holy City), 7

Isaac, 35, 52, 191; Wāsiṭī and, 169n39

Isaiah, 47, 73–74, 171–72

‘Īsā b. Mūsā, 92

Ishkuza, 76n42

Ishmael, 1, 28, 127, 190–91

Ishmaelites, 74

Islamization, 52, 54, 60, 71, 79–80, 124; unrecovered historical sources and, 139–40. See also Muslim conquest; Umayyads

al-Isnawī, Jamāl al-Dīn, 187–88

isrā’ (journey), 42–45, 48–49, 52, 54, 128, 189. See also night journey

Israel, kingdom of, 5, 196; Ben Yochai cycle and, 72–75; Jerusalem’s symbolic importance and, 61; palace-mosques and, 115; Zion and, 6n13

Israel, state of, 5n10, 10, 142

Israel Defense Forces, 10

Israel Department of Antiquities, 10, 96

Israelites, 16, 36, 84, 160–61; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 31, 189, 191, 198; Canaan’s conquest by, 45; Exodus generation and, 21; Hebrew Bible and, 20; holy sites and, 195, 200; Jericho and, 23; Nebuchadnezzar’s conquest of, 32; Promised Land and, 194n25; Qur’ān and, 4n8; Sarah’s line and, 1; scriptural journeys and, 44; al-Shām and, 2–3; Sūrah 5 and, 22; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 47–49, 53; temple destruction and, 33; Tower of David and, 57n36; United Israelite Monarchy and, 4; Ūrīshalam and, 170

Israelitica, 130

Italy, 156

Īwān Kisrā, 115

al-Jābiyah, 57

Jacob, 22, 35, 37, 39, 195

Jāmi‘ al-Bayān, 45n15

Jeremiah, 171n45

Jericho, 23, 100

Jesus Christ, 50–53, 160, 183; footprint on Temple Mount of, 128; Second Coming of, 162–63; unicity of God and, 174–75

Jethro, 75n42

Jewish Temple, 1, 34–37; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 198–99; apocalyptic literature and, 79; Arabic historiography and, 123; burial beneath altar of, 195; Christian rule and, 25; first mosque built on location of, 58; holy burial places and, 196; messianism and, 78n46, 165–66, 172; New Jerusalem and, 50–52; Sūrah 2:114 and, 33; Sūrah 17:1 and, 42; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 46–50, 52–55; triumphalism and, 170

Jews, 1–2, 90n20, 193–96, 199–201; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 189, 191, 197–99; apocalyptic literature and, 76–79; Arab tribes and, 153; architectural symbolism and, 158; Ben Yochai cycle and, 72–76; Christian rule and, 25–28; church defacement and, 154n4; Crusaders and, 76n42; decorative motifs and, 160, 162; Dome of the Rock’s meaning and, 151; ḥajj and, 142; imperialism and, 179; Jerusalem’s toponyms and, 6; Medina and, 53; memorabilia of, 167–68; messianism and, 171–72; Palestine and, 4n6; praise for Jerusalem and, 184; praise for native abodes and, 182; sacred geography and, 7, 9–10, 15–19, 157; al-Shām and, 4; Sūrah 5 and, 21–23; Sūrah 17:1 and, 40–42; Temple Mount excavations and, 98–99; Umayyads and, 162–66; unicity of God and, 174; visual symbolism and, 154

Jihād in Islamic History (Bonner), 41n4

Ji‘rānah, 44

John the Baptist, 31–32, 53

Jordan, 3, 5n10, 12, 45n15

Joseph, 49, 195

Joshua, 21–23, 194n25

Judah, 78n46

Judea, 4, 4n6

Jupiter, temple to, 6n14, 50–51, 58

Justinian, 106, 110–11, 120

Juynboll, G .H. A., 12

Ka‘bah, 1, 3, 190–91, 198; Arabic historiography and, 136, 147, 150; architectural symbolism and, 158; Christian rule and, 25; Ishmael and, 28; messianism and, 192; praise for native abodes and, 182; siege of Mecca and, 144–45; Sūrah 2:114 and, 29, 33; ṭawāf ritual and, 140; triumphalism and, 169–70; Wāsiṭī and, 169n39, 171n45; Zubayrid rebellion and, 127–28

Ka‘b al-Aḥbār, 56–57, 129, 170–72, 200

al-Kalbī, Muḥammad, 137

Kāmil (Ibn al-Athīr), 159n17

Kashf al-ghummah (Abū Ḥamzah al-Mukhtār b., ‘Awf), 136

Ibn Kathīr, 89, 131, 133, 135, 143

K. al- bad’ wa-l-ta’rīkh (Maqdisī), 65

Kenites, 75n42

Khaḍrā’ palace, 114

Ibn Khaldūn, 134

Khālid b. Ma‘dān, 12

Khālid al-Qaṣrī, 115

Khalīfah b. Khayyāṭ, 80, 132

Khardūs (Babylonian king), 30, 47

Khārijites, 83, 136–37, 197; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91, 93–94, 141

al-Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī, 86 n8, 114

Khawlah (concubine of ‘Alī), 139, 141

Khazars, 76n42

al-Khiḍr, 37, 183

Khirbat al-Mafjar, 100, 105, 111–12

Khoury, N. N., 160n23

Khurāsān, 92

Kings, Book of 1, 4, 47

Kister, M. J., 148, 184n6

Kufa, 60, 113, 115, 148; Basra and, 180; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91–93

al-Kumāmah (“the Garbage Heap”), 178. See also Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Late Antique architectural practices, 101

legitimacy, 17, 68–69, 166, 170, 175–76; Arabic historiography and, 132; decorative motifs and, 161; emulating the Prophet and, 146n60; holy sites and, 193; Jerusalem’s symbolic importance and, 63; messianism and, 164; Mu‘āwiyah and, 60; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126, 145n57

Le Strange, Guy, 3

Lewis, Bernard, 77–78

Lot, 44–45, 189–90

Lydda, 61

Madīnat al-Salām (City of Peace), 176

al-Makīn b. al-‘Amīd, 134

al-Ma’mūn, 173n51, 179

Mango, Cyril, 58–59, 65

al-Manṣūr, Abū Ja‘far, 86, 87–88, 90–91; Christian places of worship appropriation and, 104; Friday mosques and, 134; imperialism and, 176; palace-mosques and, 114–16; praise for native abodes and, 180; Zubayrid rebellion and, 92–93

Maqām Ibrāhīm, 136n42

al-Maqdisī, Diyā’ al-Dīn, 189

maqṣūrah (private prayer chambers), 113

Marwān, 78–79

Marwanids, 169n39

Marwānī Mosque, 96

Mary (Maryam), 174–75

Masjid al-Ḥaram, 127, 184

Mas‘ūdī, 130, 132

Mazar, Benjamin, 96

Mecca, 1, 6, 16–17, 19, 201; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83; ‘Alī and, 60; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 184–85, 189–91, 198; Arabic historiography and, 124, 150; blessed lands and, 45; Christianity and, 27; commercial life of, 27n11; construction practices and, 82, 89; diverting the ḥajj and, 133; faḍā’il and, 10; Goitein on pilgrimage diverted from, 147; Hebrew Bible and, 20; holy sites and, 196–97; Islam’s flexibility and, 147–48; Ka‘bah and; Meccan Sūrahs and, 24, 49; Medina and, 180; messianism and, 192; minor pilgrimage to, 44; Mu‘āwiyah and, 61; Muḥammad’s vows and, 187; orientation of prayer and, 183; praise for native abodes and, 182; primacy of, 64; Prophet’s hijrah and, 25; reorientation of prayer towards, 28; al-Shām and, 3; siege of, 143–46; site of Islamic rule and, 66; Sūrah 2:114 and, 29; Sūrah 17:1 and, 42, 46; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 49, 53; ta‘rīf and, 149; vows to visit Jerusalem and, 188; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126–30, 142. See also ḥaramayn

Medes, 74

medieval chronicles, 122, 124, 130, 138, 146; Arabic historiography and, 122, 132, 137; diverting the ḥajj and, 133; Goitein and, 131; unrecovered historical sources and, 138, 140; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126–27, 128, 130, 141. See also Arabic historiography

Medina, 6, 16–17, 19, 201; ‘Alī and, 60; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 184–85, 189; Arabic historiography and, 124; Christianity and, 27; counter-caliphs of; faḍā’il and, 9–10; Hebrew Bible and, 20; hijrah to, 24–25; holy sites and, 196; Jews of, 53; Mecca and, 180; messianism and, 192; Mu‘āwiyah and, 60–61; palace complexes and, 112–13; praise for native abodes and, 182–83; primacy of, 64; Prophet’s grave in, 188; siege of Mecca and, 146; site of Islamic rule and, 66–68, 70; Sūrah 2:114 and, 33; Sūrah 17:1 and, 40, 42, 44; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 49, 54; ta‘rīf and, 148; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91–92, 94, 125–27, 129–30. See also ḥaramayn

Mediterranean, 82, 165, 169n39

Melkites, 131

messianism, 25, 26n10, 79, 162–66, 171–72, 192; Ben Yochai cycle and, 72–75; decorative motifs and, 160–62; Dome of the Rock and, 167–68; Holy Land burial and, 195–96; Jacob’s dream and, 35; Judah and, 78n46; Muslim conquest and, 41n4; praise for native abodes and, 182; praise of Jerusalem and, 183; Rubin on, 48n22; sacred geography and, 19; Sūrah 17:1 and, 42; triumphalism and, 169–70; unicity of God and, 173–75. See also apocalyptic literature

Metatron, 73

Miller, Nathaniel, 45n16

minimalist historians, 17, 122–23

mi’rāj, 54, 189. See also night journey

Mongols, 68

monotheism, 28, 56–57, 152, 196–97, 200; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 190–91, 199; Arabic historiography and, 121–23; imperialism and, 178; purity of, 153

Moses, 20, 36, 44, 75n42, 196

Mount Moriah, 30, 34–35; apocalyptic literature and, 78; imperialism and, 179; legends of, 160; Mu‘āwiyah and, 77; New Jerusalem and, 52; Sūrah 17:1 and, 39; Wāsiṭī and, 169n39

Mount Sinai, 23

Mourad, Suleiman, 188–89, 192

Mu‘āwiyah b. Abī Sufyān, 64–68, 96–97, 102, 111; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83, 85, 95; apocalyptic literature and, 76–79; Arabian city model and, 106n15; Arabic historiography and, 132, 137–38; construction practices and, 82; cosmic disorder and, 67–68; Dome of the Rock prototypes and, 156n8; faḍā’il and, 182; Islamic Jerusalem and, 60–64, 68–72, 76–80; Khaḍrā’ and, 114; messianism and, 162; mother of, 125; palace complexes and, 107, 113; sacred geography and, 16; ta‘rīf and, 148; Umayyad administrative complex and, 120; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126

al-Muhallabī, al-Ḥasan b. Aḥmad, 134

Muḥammad, 3, 16, 24–28, 39; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 185, 189–91, 198–99; Arabic historiography and, 121, 123–24, 132, 137; authority of, 67; companions of, 58; contemporaries of, 56; divine ascension of, 55; early religious outlook of, 18; God’s covenant and, 40; Ḥamzah’s violation and, 125; Hebrew Bible and, 20–23; hijrah of, 25; holy sites and, 196–97, 200; imperialism and, 176, 178; Ibn Isḥāq’s biography and, 138; Islam’s flexibility and, 147–48; Medina emigration of, 24; messianism and, 164, 192; monotheism and, 57; New Jerusalem and, 50; orientation of prayer and, 183; palace complexes and, 112; pilgrimage and, 183–84; praise for native abodes and, 182; righteous caliphs and, 60; sacred geography and, 6, 17; siege of Mecca and, 146; site of Islamic rule and, 66, 68; Sūrah 2:114 and, 29–33; Sūrah 17:1 and, 33–34, 40; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 47–49, 53–54; Temple Mount and, 34–38; triumphalism and, 166; two branches descended from, 139; unicity of God and, 173–75; usurped authority of, 62; visual symbols of, 69; vows to visit Jerusalem and, 186–88; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126–30, 141

Muḥammad b. ‘Abdallāh al-Nafs al-Zakīyah, 91

Mujīr al-Dīn, 10–11, 54n31, 131

al-Mukhtār Abū Yaḥyā b. Bahram, 181–82

Muqātil b. Sulaymān, 13, 22-23, 45n15

al-Muqaddasī, 54n31, 109, 129n15, 132, 199; imperialism and, 177–78; praise for native abodes and, 181–82

Mus‘ab b. al-Zubayr, 92-94,121, 126, 137, 148

al-Musharraf b. al-Murajjā, 11, 14

Muslim conquest, 9–10, 17–18, 120; apocalyptical literature and, 41; messianism and, 166; siege of Jerusalem and, 56–59; Sūrah 17:1 and, 42; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 54; visual symbolism and, 153–54. See also Islamization

al-Muṭahhir b. Ṭāhir al-Maqdisī, 37, 64, 65–66, 79

Nablus, 5n10

Najdah b. ‘Amir al-Ḥarūrī, 141

Nāṣir-i-Khusraw, 149, 159n17

native abodes (ḥubb al-waṭan), praise for, 181–84

“navel of the universe” (surrat al-dunyā), 8, 180

Nawbakht, 180

Nazis, 75n42

Nebuchadnezzar, 26, 30, 32, 37, 47, 182

Nebuzaradan, 30

Neopolis, 5n10

Nephilites, 22n4

New Jerusalem, 48, 49n22, 50–52; architectural symbolism and, 156; construction practices and, 88; Mu‘āwiyah and, 61; Muslim conquest and, 56, 58; site of Islamic rule and, 80; Temple Mount excavations and, 110; Umayyad administrative complex and, 120

night journey of Muḥammad, 33, 39–40, 42, 46; New Jerusalem and, 52; scriptural journeys and, 44; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 55; Zubayrid rebellion and, 128

Noah, 3

Noble Sanctuary (al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf), 6, 8, 38–39; Friday mosques and, 134; imperialism and, 179; palace-mosques and, 116; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 54; Temple Mount excavations and, 105. See also Temple Mount

nocturnal visions, 43–44

Nöldeke, Theodor, 49

non-Muslims, 17, 103; Arab tribes and, 152; architectural symbolism and, 156; decorative motifs and, 161; Dome of the Rock’s meaning and, 151; Hagarism and, 18n37.

North, land of the, 2–5. See also al-Shām

Numbers, Book of, 21–22

octagonal structures, 154, 156, 160

Old City of Jerusalem, 10, 96

orientalists, 15, 29, 54, 123, 128–29. See also Arabic historiography

Oxford lectures (Grabar), 84

pagans, 6, 24, 52, 58–59; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 191; architectural symbolism and, 157; Christian alliance with, 31–32; Christianity’s triumph over, 168; holy sites and, 193; name of Jerusalem and, 6n14, 7; New Jerusalem and, 50–51; polytheism and, 29; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 47

Palestine, 5, 190–91, 199; Aramaic as dialect from, 26n10; evolution of the name of, 4n6; faḍā’il transmission chains and, 12; Graeco-Romans and, 23; holy sites and, 194–95

Paradise, 159, 164

Parthians, 47

Peleshet, 4n6. See also Palestine

Pentateuch, 22

Persepolis, 198

Persians, 24–26, 99; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 84; imperialism and, 178; Sennacherib and, 4; Sūrah 17:1 and, 42; triumphalism over, 115

Peters, Francis, 70–72, 76; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 95; apocalyptic literature and, 77–79; historiography and, 81; holy land and, 80; Temple Mount excavations and, 96, 102, 111

Petra, king of, 31n22

Philistines, 4n6, 47

pilgrimage (ḥajj), 1, 6, 118, 142–43; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 185, 189, 198; Arabic historiography and, 131–33, 136–37, 147, 150; architectural symbolism and, 158; Christian hostel for, 117; construction practices and, 82; faḍā’il and, 11; Friday mosques and, 135; ḥaramayn and, 183; Islam’s flexibility and, 147–48; legal scholars of, 128; messianism and, 192; praise for Jerusalem and, 183; siege of Mecca and, 144–46; Sunnis and, 140; Sūrah 2:114 and, 29; ta‘rīf and, 149, 159n17; ‘umrah and, 44; unrecovered historical sources and, 138–39; vows to visit Jerusalem and, 186–88; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126–27, 129–30, 141

polytheism, 29. See also pagans

postbiblical sources, 162

pre-Islamic culture (Jāhilīyah), 12n27, 62, 121, 124–25; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 141; currency of, 84; ḥajj and, 146; Iliyā’ and, 6n14; Islam’s flexibility and, 148; Jerusalem’s sacrality and; legends of, 160; poetry of, 45n16; Temple Mount and, 37, 159

primeval rock (Temple Mount), 34–36, 38, 133, 136; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 143; apocalyptic literature and, 78; architectural symbolism and, 156, 158; burial beneath altar of, 195; Christianity and, 176; decorative motifs and, 159; diverting the ḥajj and, 134; faḍā’il and, 182; imperialism, 178; link to Creation of, 157; messianism and, 171; Mu‘āwiyah and, 77; New Jerusalem and, 52; praise of Jerusalem and, 183; Wāsiṭī and, 169n39, 170; Zubayrid rebellion and, 127–28

prophetic tradition, 39–40, 56n33, 166–67, 172, 183, 200; burial places of, 42, 195; Seal of Prophets and, 198; Sūrah 17:1 and, 40, 43; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 49, 53, 55

Psalms, 72

Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi, 105

Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi, 105

Qatādah, 45n15

Qubbat al-Ṣakhrah, 87

al-Quds (Jerusalem), 6–7

Qur’ān, 13, 29, 37, 153, 195, 198; biblical narratives and, 194; Christianity and, 27; decorative motifs and, 160; Deuteronomy and, 47; Exodus generation and, 21; Hebrew Bible and, 20, 190; Israelites and, 4n8; messianism and, 172; monotheism and, 57; New Jerusalem and, 50; praise for native abodes and, 182; unicity of God and, 173. See also Sūrahs

Qur’ān commentary, 43, 45-47, 52-55; unrecovered historical sources and, 138; Zubayrid rebellion and, 129

Qurrah b. Sharīk, 108

Qusayr ‘Amra, 100n6

Rabbat, Nasser, 90n20, 168n38, 171n45

rabbinic tradition, 26, 27; Arabic historiography and, 149; Ben Yochai cycle and, 74; cosmogony in, 36–37; decorative motifs and, 159–60; New Jerusalem and, 50; Sūrah 2:114 and, 30; Sūrah 5 and, 22–23; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 49

Rafiqah, 104

Rajā’ b. Ḥaywah, 12, 89–90, 133

Ramle, 61

al-Rāzī, Muḥammad, 29n18, 48, 48n22, 52

Resurrection, 63, 160, 192

revisionist historians, 17–19, 43–46, 84, 166

Rhineland, 76n42

righteous caliphs, 17, 60, 124

rock of Creation. See primeval rock (Temple Mount)

Romans, 2, 25, 72–74; architectural symbolism and, 156; Christian-pagan alliance and, 31; faḍā’il literature and, 9; name of Jerusalem and, 6n14; New Jerusalem and, 50; palace complexes and, 112; Palestine and, 4n6; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 48; Temple Mount and, 38

Rosen-Ayalon, Myriam, 159–61, 163–66

Rosenthal, Franz, 139n49

Round City, 91–94, 114–17, 134, 176; construction practices and, 86–88. See also al-Manṣūr

Rubin, Uri, 43–46, 50, 52; messianism and, 48n22; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 49, 53–55

rukhaṣ (exceptions to rules of Islam), 147

Rūm (Rome), 30. See also Byzantines; Romans

Sabaeans, 45

Sa‘d b. Abī Waqqāṣ, 113, 115n46

al-Sā’ib, Muḥammad b., 136

Sa‘īd b. ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, 13

ṣā’ifah (summer campaign), 151

Saint Catherine’s Monastery, 16

Saladin, 149, 159n17

Saljuqs, 75

salvation history (Heilsgeschichte), 18n37

al-Sām, 4. See also al-Shām; Shem

Samaria (Shomron), 5

Samarra, 104, 121, 180

Sarah, 1, 190–91

Ṣa‘ṣa‘ah b. Ṣuḥān al-‘Abdī, 63–64

Sasanids, 40n4, 47, 87, 99, 115, 169–70; Byzantine war and, 24; churches destroyed by, 110, 117; occupation by, 111; Palestine and, 26n10; Zubayrid rebellion and, 129

Seal of the Prophets, 197n33, 198

Seleucids, 30

self-identity, 41n4

Sennacherib, 4, 47

Shāfi‘ite school, 187

al-Shām, 2–5, 16, 45, 193; administrative centers of, 69; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 190; Arabic historiography and, 124, 136; Christian rule and, 25; concentric circles of holiness and, 36; construction practices and, 89; diverting the ḥajj and, 133; faḍā’il and, 9–10, 184n6; historical sources for, 7; imperialism and, 177–78; messianism and, 172; modern nations in, 5; Mu‘āwiyah and, 60; Mu‘āwiyah and, 61; Muslim conquest and, 56; non-Muslim sites for mosque building and, 59; palace-mosques and, 115; praise for native abodes and, 180, 183; site of Islamic rule and, 64, 66–68, 80; Sūrah 2:114 and, 33; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126, 128–29

Shāmīn, 4–5

Shani, Raya, 166–67

Sharon, Moshe, 106, 108–10, 119, 168; messianism and, 166–67, 171–72

Sheba, Queen of, 68

Shechem, 5n10

Shem, 3. See also al-Shām

Shi‘ites, 138–40

Shiloh, 47

Shoemaker, Stephen, 18–19; The Death of a Prophet, 41n4

Shomron. See Samaria

Sibṭ b. al-Jawzī, 89, 136–37, 147; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142–43; construction practices and, 90; Friday mosques and, 135; unrecovered historical sources and, 138, 140; Zubayrid rebellion and, 94

Siloam, pool of, 112, 129

Sivan, Emmanuel, 9, 11

Sodom, 44

Solomon (King of Israel), 4, 16, 108, 114, 168, 193, 197; architectural symbolism and, 157; blessed lands and, 45; decorative motifs and, 160–61; faḍā’il and, 182; Medina journey of, 198; messianism and, 172; Temple Mount and, 35–37

Solomon’s Stables, 96

Sons of Kedar (Northern Arabs), 78

Sophronius, 56–57, 103–4

Soucek, Priscilla, 160–61, 166–67

spolia, 196

subversive art, 163

Sulaymān ibn ʿAbd al-Malik, 68, 70, 128, 146

Sunnis, 138–40

Ṣūr, 5. See also al-Shām

Sūrah 2, 29–33, 47, 48n22

Sūrah 3, 175

Sūrah 4, 174

Sūrah 5, 20–23

Sūrah 8:42, 44

Sūrah 17, 30–31, 39–40, 42–46; Muslim conquest and, 56–59; New Jerusalem and, 50–52; Noble Sanctuary and, 38; Temple Mount and, 33–34; unicity of God and, 174; verses 2:8 and, 46–50, 52–55

Sūrah 19, 174

Sūrah 21, 189

Sūrah 28:20, 44

Sūrah 30, 25, 129n17

Sūrah 33, 174

Sūrah 34:17, 45

Sūrah 36:20, 44

Sūrah 38, 27–28, 57n36, 197

Sūrah 57, 174

Sūrah 64, 174

Sūrah 112, 174

al-Suyūṭī, Muḥammad b. Shams al-Dīn, 30n18

Syria, 3, 5, 89, 105, 178; Arabic historiography and, 136; construction practices and, 88; holy land’s extent and, 23; Iliyā’ and, 6n14; imperialism and, 178; messianism and, 172; palace complexes and, 107; pre-Islamic projections of power by, 45n16; siege of Mecca and, 143–45; trade networks across, 27; Zubayrid rebellion and, 93. See also al-Shām

Syria-Palaestina, 4n6, 17, 51, 61, 80; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 199; architectural symbolism and, 156; holy sites and, 196; messianism and, 162

al-Ṭabarī, Muḥammad b. Jarīr, 34, 67–69, 132, 137–38, 141; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142; blessed lands and, 45n15; Christian rule and, 25; church defacement and, 154n4; Ka‘b and, 56n33; Leiden edition of, 131; siege of Mecca and, 143; Sūrah 2:114 and, 31

Ṭā’if, 44n13, 196

Ṭalhah, 60

Talmud, 36, 149

ta‘rīf (pilgrimage rite), 129, 141, 148–49, 159n17

ṭawāf (circumambulation of Ka‘bah), 143–45, 147, 158–59; unrecovered historical sources and, 140; Zubayrid rebellion and, 127–28

Ibn Taymīyah, 186–89, 200–201

Temple Mount, 35–38, 59, 121–24, 133, 142, 179; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 84–85, 95; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 189, 192; apocalyptic literature and, 78; architectural drawings and, 100–101; architectural symbolism and, 155; Ben Yochai cycle and, 76; Byzantine policy and, 168; construction practices and, 82, 86–91; destruction of holy sites on, 30; excavations of, 96–98, 102–6, 110–13, 119–20; faḍā’il and, 8, 10, 14–15, 182; first mosque built on, 58; Friday mosques and, 134–35; function of excavated areas on, 106–10; holy sites and, 194, 199; House of the Candelabras and, 98–99; Marwān and, 79; messianism and, 167; Mu‘āwiyah and, 77; New Jerusalem and, 50; palace-mosques and, 113, 116–19; primeval rock and, 157; relics recovered from, 119; restoration of, 74; restoring Muslim structures on, 11; sacred geography and, 2, 6–7, 16; siege of Mecca and, 145; site of Islamic rule and, 65, 70–72, 80; Sūrah 2:114 and, 29, 33; Sūrah 17:1 and, 33–34, 40, 42; symbolic transfers of authority and, 114–15; ṭawāf performed on, 140; triumphalism and, 169; ‘Umar and, 57; Umayyad administrative complex and, 120; visual symbolism and, 154; Zubayrid rebellion and, 92, 94, 126–29. See also Dome of the Rock; Jewish Temple; Temple of Herod; Temple of Solomon

Temple of Herod (Second Temple), 16, 30, 176, 183, 185; Muslim conquest and, 58; New Jerusalem and, 51; Qur’ān commentators and, 28

Temple of Solomon (First Temple), 176, 183, 185, 190–91, 197; decorative motifs and, 160–61; Jewish traditions and, 168; messianism and, 166–67, 172; Nebuchadnezzar and, 26, 30, 32; New Jerusalem and, 51; Qur’ān commentators and, 28

Ten Commandments, 23

Terra Sancta. See also Holy Land

Thābit, Muḥammad b., 13

Thābit b. Istānībiyadh al-Fārisī al-Khumsī, 13

al-Tha’labī, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim, 4n8, 197–98

Thawr b. Yazīd, 13, 36

Theophanes, 154n4

Third Temple, 165–66, 172, 176. See also Dome of the Rock

Titus, 30, 37–38, 47, 165, 170

Torah, 47, 53, 170, 194, 199. See also Hebrew Bible

Tower of David, 57n36, 58n36

Tree of Life, 159

tribal election (shūrā), 125

trinitarianism, 173–75

triumphalism, 9, 115, 169–70, 172–73, 178; decorative motifs and, 162, 166

Tyre, 5

ūlat al-qiblatayn (first place to which Muslims directed their prayers), 43

al-‘Ulaymī. See Mujīr al-Dīn

‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, 133, 167

‘Umar b. al-Khaṭṭāb, 56–60, 65, 182, 187; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 185; messianism and, 167; stabbing of, 113; Temple Mount policy and, 168; triumphalism and, 166

Umayyads, 60–64, 68–72, 76–80; 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 83; Alids and, 133; anti-Jerusalem literature and, 184; Arabic historiography and, 121–25, 132, 137; Arab tribes and, 153; architectural drawings and, 100–101; architectural symbolism and, 157; architecture’s purpose under, 14; construction practices and, 82, 86, 90; cosmic disorder and, 67–68; decorative motifs and, 161; Dome of the Rock and, 84, 151; faḍā’il, 13; faḍā’il and, 182; holy sites and, 193; House of the Candelabras and, 98–99; Ibn ‘Awf on, 136; imperialism and, 176–79; Islamic Jerusalem and, 64–68, 72–76; Jewish Temple and, 54; Jews and, 167–68; messianism and, 162–66, 171–72; mosque building and, 58–59; palace-mosque complexes and, 113, 116–19; praise for native abodes and, 180; sacred geography and, 16–18; siege of Mecca and, 143; site of Islamic rule and, 85; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 55; symbolic transfers of authority and, 114–15; Temple Mount excavations and, 96–98, 102–6, 110–13, 119–20; Temple Mount functions and, 106–10; triumphalism and, 169–70; unicity of God and, 173–75; Zubayrid rebellion and, 91–94, 126–29. See also Arabia

ummah (community), 122–23, 146

unicity of God, 173–75. See also monotheism

United Israelite Monarchy, 4

al-Urdunn (Jordan), 3; blessed lands and, 45n15; faḍā’il transmission chains and, 12. See also Jordan

Ūrīshalam (Jerusalem), 56n33, 170

‘Uthmān b. ‘Affān, 60, 67, 78–79, 113

Vaglieri, L. Vecca, 41n4

Via Dolorosa, 51

visual symbolism, 123, 154–58; Arabic historiography and, 124; Christianity and, 176–79; decorative motifs and, 159–62; Dome of the Rock and, 151, 154, 159–62; Jewish memorabilia and, 167–68; messianism and, 162–66, 171–72; unicity of God and, 173–75

Wadi al-Arish (river of Egypt), 5–6

Wādī-l-Qurā, 45n15

Wahb b. Munnabih, 130

al-Walīd, 65, 68, 70, 72; Aphrodito papyri and, 109; Arabic historiography and, 133, 150; architectural symbolism and, 158; diverting the ḥajj and, 134; ḥajj and, 146; imperialism and, 177–78; non-Muslim sites for mosque building and, 59; palace complexes and, 107–8; Sūrah 17:2-8 and, 54–55; triumphalism and, 169; visual symbolism and, 154

Wansbrough, John, 18n37

al-Wāqidī, 136–37, 142, 144n56

Wāsiṭ, 114–17

al-Wāsiṭī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad, 167–68, 169n39, 171n45; faḍā’il al-Bayt al-Muqaddas, 11

Wellhausen, Julian, 66–68, 130, 154n4

West Bank, naming of, 5n10

Whitcomb, Donald, 105n15, 106n15, 156n8

wuqūf ceremony, 141, 149

Yaḥyā b. ‘Amr al-Shaybānī al-Ramlī, 12

Yaḥyā b. Ḥanḍalah, 108

al-Ya‘qūbī, Aḥmad b. Abī Ya‘qub: 68 AH pilgrimage and, 142; Alids and, 140; anti-Umayyad bias of, 132; Arabic historiography and, 131, 133, 136–37, 147, 150; faḍā’il and, 11; faḍā’il transmission chains and, 13; Friday mosques and, 135; ḥajj and, 146; siege of Mecca and, 146; unrecovered historical sources and, 138; Zubayrid rebellion and, 126–28, 130

Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī, 4, 86n8; faḍā’il transmission chains and, 13; Muqaddasī and, 129n15; palace-mosques and, 114; al-Shām and, 5

Yathrib (Medina), 192

Yazīd b. Mu‘āwiyah, 79–80, 125, 130, 144

Yazīd II, 154n4

Yazīd b. Salām, 89–90

Yemen, 45, 198

Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), 61, 170

Zamzam, Well of, 129

al-Zandaward, 114

Zeus, 30

Zion, 6n13. See also Holy Land

ziyārah (religious visit), 188

Zoroastrians, 25

Zubayrids, 91–94, 130, 141–42; ‘Abd al-Malik and, 85; Arabic historiography and, 125–29, 132, 136; Arab tribes and, 152; diverting the ḥajj and, 133; Dome of the Rock’s meaning and, 151; imperialism and, 176; Rabbat on, 168n38; siege of Mecca and, 145–46; unrecovered historical sources and, 139

al-Zuhrī, Ibn Shihāb, 127